Chapter 4 - Leaving Home?

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Your POV

When (W/N) came out of the trees, he/she growled at the scouts. A girl with strawberry blonde hair had fear in her eyes, yet stood tall as (W/N) circled them. A taller girl with brown hair pulled up in a ponytail had excitement written all over her, as if she'd never seen something like him/her before. The short male with ebony hair spoke with a stoic expression, not fazed by the obvious threat coming from (W/N). "What are you doing out the walls? You're far and don't have anyone to go to in case of emergency." I scoff. "I live here. Why are you here outside of your precious walls?" I uncaringly ask while glancing at their blades, similar to mine. "(W/N) is very protective. Except that while you're holding those blades. The girl with the shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair looks down at (W/N) anxiously and speaks in stutters. "I-It's protective of you?" I roll my eyes. "He/she has a name, you know." A man with pointy, black hair speaks. "That's enough chatter. It's dangerous out here, especially for a weaponless girl like you. This world is filled with 15 meters, cannibalistic giants roaming around, waiting to eat you. We want to know your name, and why you're helping us." I glare down at him. "Are you calling me weak and defenseless? Looks are deceiving. Learn that." He shuts his mouth, and a boy with emerald green eyes and dark, chocolate brown hair spoke. His voice somewhat sweet, calming me down. "We don't mean to intrude, but from our perspective, you're a threat to humanity."

Reluctantly, I nod. "Come in, then..." I hear Kaito from behind, stand beside me as I turn to let them in. The girl with a brown ponytail smiles and her glasses glint. She rushes up and looks around. "Oh, this is wonderful! Amazing how you--" She stops talking as Kaito and her meet eye contact. It's quiet as the rest walk in. "Well nice to meet you! I'm Hanji, this is Levi, Oulo, Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Eren!" Kaito smiles slightly and shakes her hand. "It's nice to meet you all." As we sit down and we eat a bit of food, I explain to them who I am, and vice-versa. By the time we're finished, they looked shocked as I explain. "Wow," Hanji says in awe. The others sat in awe as well, so much they didn't speak. I laugh to myself, but Eren cuts me off as he speaks. "You saw the ocean?" I look over at him and nod. I frown slightly, as it was painful to think about the fact they were trapped in a cage like animals forever. It must be terrible not to see the world's beauty. "I go see it almost every day. Matter a fact, Kaito just got back from a long journey beyond the ocean." Eren's eyes widen, as does his smile. He goes to speak again, but Levi cuts him off as he stands up and walks to the door. "You're still a threat to humanity, and must be taken into custody." Kaito glares at him and stands up himself.

"She isn't going anywhere with you. I don't care who you are or what you think, it doesn't matter to me. She helped you for the last few months, and made sure most of your soldiers didn't die, despite not getting credit for it! You should appreciate what she's done for you, because as you can tell, she doesn't have to. You aren't allowed to lay a finger on her, nor accuse her of being a threat when without her you'd probably be dead." He said with anger. I stayed quiet and watched as Levi sighed. "You can stay, brat. But you have to come back with us right now. We have to confirm you're an ally, not a threat. Fair enough?" I nod in agreement, and the Scouting Group walks out. Hanji hangs out  the doorway and smiles at us. "I'd love to get to know you more, (F/N)! You are so interesting, and so do these Titans you interact with!" I smile at her. "Of course." Levi's voice echoes out as he calls out for Hanji. "Let's go, Shitty Glasses or we'll leave you behind!" Hanji smiles once more and her glasses glint before she rushes down and slams the door shut. I feel Kaito grab my wrist and I turn to look up at him. "We're coming back right after this, (F/N). I don't want to be there any longer than I have to, and I'm sure you don't either." He says in a serious tone. I simply nod in understanding, and he let's go of my wrist. 

We both walk out the house and set up our horses for a journey. The group ahead of us wait and talk amongst themselves as we ride up to them. "Ready?" Petra whispers to me. I nod reluctantly, "Ready." I respond. They ride off and just before I kick the side of my horse, Kaito trots up beside me. "They need to get out more, am I right?" He jokes. I laugh, and punch his arm. "That's mean!" I comment. He smirks and kicks the side of his horse, galloping off. I laugh again, and follow after him. A worried thought sitting in the back of my head.


Edited - 11/11/16

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now