Chapter 5 - Arrival

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(A/N): So funny story I um don't sleep a lot at night, I normally stay up till 3 am then pass out but last night I was up really late and didn't get a lot a sleep so today at 3 PM I passed out on my bed. I woke up in the local hospital and they said I am messing with my circadian rhythms and I need to get back on a regular sleeping schedule. So I'm not supposed to be updating today but I will anyway because I love this book so enjoy the story!


Your POV

Around two hours passed before we caught sight the walls. I kept my facial expressions straight, calm and focused, but I couldn't help but feel anxious we neared the tall mounds of stone. Kaito's minty breath tickled my ear as he leaned over from his horse and whispered in my ear. "Are you okay? We can turn back." He offered. I shook my head, watching the Special Operations squad ride in front of me. I turn to him with a reassuring smile and speak quietly, "No. I'm okay."
He sighs, but nods his head and moves away from me. The ground rumbled as the large stone gate opened and I shivered with anxiety. With another concerned glance from Kaito, I smile again and follow the squad into the walls. I nervously look down at my hands, clutching the reins of my horse. I bite my lip, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Who is that?"

"I hear they're looking for a person who helped them secretly?"

"They must be involved with the Colossal and Armored Titans!"

"Damn straight! Kill them!"

"Mommy, who are those people?"

"The scum of humanity."

"'For the Glory of Humanity' My ass."

"At least they're starting to get somewhere after a hundred years of shitty work."

"Still useless as fuck, though."

I resist the urge to snap at the men and women, muttering to myself. "Ungrateful sons of bitches." Kaito shoves my arm lightly 

I take a split-second to glare at one of the men, sneer and speak in an annoyed tone. "Say another word and I'll shove you down a titans throat." Kaito hits my arm lightly as the man cowards in fear. "(Y/N)! We aren't here to pick fights, they'll kill you if you don't shut it!" He whisper-yells. I click my tongue lightly and nod. His argument is reasonable, but that doesn't mean I'll put up with bullshit like that. He sighed once more and pulled his reins as we arrived at what seemed to be HQ of the Survey Corps. Levi, the Captain, got off his horse and looked over at the ginger-haired girl, Petra. "Petra, go show (Y/N) to the dorms." His half-lidded, emotionless eyes trailed over to the emerald-eyed, chocolate-brown haired boy, Eren. "Eren, show Kaito to the dorms as well. I got off my horse and made my way towards Petra. I felt a tug on my arm and turned to see Kaito standing there with a serious expression. "If things go south, come find me. Or just call my name. I'll be there." I smile and nod, whisper a thank you and make my way over to Petra.


Kaito's POV

I stood standing in my same position for a moment, watching (Y/N) walk off with Petra. What if (Y/N) gets attached, and decides to stay? I know what it's like being a soldier for them, and it isn't the best once you know the lifestyle you do with (Y/N). You're forced to follow rules and certain ways of fighting. My heart drops at the thought. Seeing (Y/N) attached to these people, only to watch them die because of their fighting style, commands and formations are upside down. I feel a hesitant hand on my shoulder, and I snap out of my thoughts and turn to see Eren with a small smile. "Don't worry, Kaito. Petra is a nice girl. I'm positive (Y/N) will be okay." I sigh again. "That's not what I'm worried about," I mutter inaudibly. He raises his eyebrow and takes his hand off my shoulder. "Come on." He said after a moment of silence. I nod slowly and follow him through an entrance on the left side of the castle. I zone out while walking, blocking out his small talk questions such as, "Is your blue hair natural?" Or, "What's the ocean really like?" We pass the female dorms, and I frown slightly in my daze. He stops, and I almost bump into him. He opens the door to a messy room. Two bunk beds, one on each side of the room. Two desks with blades and 3DMG stacked on them. The wooden walls and flooring were stained with dirt. I openly cringe. "When the hell do you clean?!" I exclaim quietly in disgust. Eld and Gunther were sitting on the bed, and Oulo was leaning up against the doorframe. "Eren, go get the cleaning supplies. We need to clean this shit up." Oulo smirks at me cockily. "A new clean freak I see?" I roll my eyes. "You want to live in a trash can? Be my guest. Just don't bring the stench in here." Eld and Gunther quietly chuckle and stand up, grabbing supplies for themselves. I hear Oulo grumble insults and get supplies of his own. I begin to order them around, telling them where to clean.

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now