Authors Note - Not Important To The Story (Kinda)

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Ok so this isn't a "I'm scraping the story" or "MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK OH MER GER" 

type of update. This update is about the one and only Levi Ackerman.

Anyway. In most stories and in mine Levi's title is "Lance Corporal".

In my story (nor other ones) will he continue to be Lance Corporal. 

Am I lower ranking him? No! I am not! But heres the dealeo 

In Japanese, Levi is often referred to by his subordinates as "Heichou", which is meant to be

a shortened form of "Heishicho", his actual title (almost wrote titan), which translates to

"leader of the soldiers". The thing is, "Heichou" translates to "Lance Corporal" in Japanese,

which has lead to the common but incorrect belief that Levi is of the rank, which is a rather low one.

So, this isn't very important but if I don't rank him Lance Corporal, this is why.

Also, I am on track so AIICELY (As if I could ever leave you) will be coming out tomorrow!

Byeeee! <3 



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