Chapter 20 - The 57th Expedition | Part One

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Levi's POV

Today was the day. The day that decided whether Eren would be handed over to the military police...or stay with the Survey Corps. As the gates opened I felt a slight bit nervous, had I had (F/N) here, she might have soothed me. 'Stop it Levi. She's gone. Face reality...Face the facts.' I thought to myself, just then, I heard the gates being opened, and my maybe-soon-to-be-death awaits.

"The 57th expedition outside the walls begins now!" Erwin yelled as we all rode forward "Forward!" on the inside I may have been freaking out, on the outside not so much. I stayed focus on what's in-front of me, ignoring the sounds around me.

"10 meter titan approaching!" Hanji yelled, though I just kept my eyes on the rode with my stoic expression remaining. Soon the other squad had killed it and we spilt into the long-range formation. Me and my squad just kept charging forward, all focus on the task at hand.

~~~~~Time Skip 45 Minutes Later~~~~~

"Flares, Green ones." I said, looking to my right to see at least 20 green flares in the sky "Oulo, you fire it" I ordered "Roger that!" he replied, I turned my gaze forward, following the flares. A few seconds later, a cadet from the rear flank had come galloping towards us.

"I have a report!" he yelled "It's a verbal message!" I kept my gaze on the rode before me, though still listening to the cadet "The search squad on the right flank suffered a devastating blow! They've lost the capability to scout the enemy. Please relay this message to the left flank!" he exclaimed, I turned my eyes just a bit to face him then turned my head over to my right side facing Petra "You heard him, Petra. Go!" I yelled "Yes, sir!" she yelled before galloping away, I shifted my gaze forward again.

I kept running forward till I hard a boom, it was a black flare "Eren, you fire it!" I exclaimed, facing him a bit. 'What a mess...' I thought 'They let it get awfully deep inside the formation' I narrowed my eyebrows in frustration

~~~~~~~Time Skip 20 minutes~~~~~~

We were riding in the forest of big trees and Eren called out to me "Captain! Captain Levi!" I kept my gaze forward though "What is it?" I asked sternly "What...? This is a forest!" he exclaimed "If only the center column enters the forest," he stopped for a second "We wont be able to see titans coming!" he yelled, I rolled my eyes slightly "They seem to be coming from the right..." he stopped again "How are we going to avoid the titans and protect the supply wagons?" he asked, I kept a stoic expression though I was annoyed with him.

"Stop whining about the obvious" I said "There's no way we can do that anymore." he gasped a bit "What?! Th-then why...?" he trailed off "Look around you, Eren, at all these big ass trees." he made a questionable grunt, I can't believe I have to explain this "It's the ideal place environment to make use of our 3D Maneuvering Devices." I said, small parts of annoyance in my cold voice "Now think with that mediocre brain of yours." "Think really hard if you don't want to die." I said coldly, it took a few moments but he finally came to realization "Yes, sir!" he shouted.


3rd Person POV

"I get it...Because i'm a rookie, I don't understand the situation. He didn't simply tell me, because I need to learn for myself." Eren muttered to himself "This must've been how the senior Scouts learned how to fight, as well." He stopped, looking around "What the shit is going on?! What...?! It can't be!" he said, looking at his squad mates "Is it possible that no one...knows what's going on?!" he thought "Maybe Captain Levi...." his thoughts trailed off...suddenly a black flare was fired.


Levi's POV

"A black flare?!" Eren yelled "That came from right behind us!" Oulo exclaimed "It's whatever that was that came from the right" Eld trailed off , I stopped them "People, draw your swords" I ordered, they all looked at me as my gaze shifted behind us. I drew my blade "If it shows itself..." I stopped for a moment "It'll only be for a moment" I faced forward, everything seemed to go in slow motion, I furrowed my eyes in frustration, knowing what's going to happen next.


3rd Person POV

Just then rumbling formed in the ground, the female titan ran quickly towards the interior flank. Punching a mid-air soldier, killing him. Eren gasped and quickly turned his gaze forward "Move it!" Levi ordered loudly. Petra looked behind us in shock and so did Eren as the female titan ran on the other side of Squad Levi, then breaking a tree and aiming her hand out for Eren.

She slipped a bit but then got back on track, running for Eren. Eren looked back in fear and shock "Damn, it's fast!" Eren yelled as he looked at the crazy looking, fast speed female titan. "Theres no way to run from it in this forest!" Gunther yelled, as everyone was looked back at the female titan, except Levi "it's gaining on us!" Eld exclaimed "Captain, let's switch to 3D maneuvers!" Petra suggested.

Levi looked back, his blades still out, thinking about what he wanted to do. "Captain!" Petra yelled "You're not getting away!" a soldier yelled, maneuvering towards the mystery titan "You have reinforcements from the rear!" Petra yelled, as her and Eren looked back at the scene before them.

The solider spun in a 360 angle, he shot his wire towards her neck. Unfortunately, she dodged it, moving her head to the right so the wires shot past her face. She grabbed the wire and yanked the solider down and smashed him into a tree, then she began running once more.

Another solider had come but she dodged the attack from her left-east attack and yanked the solider back, punching her then throwing the corpse behind her like a piece of trash. The whole squad was in shock, mouths a-gap and "Captain! Your instructions!" Petra yelled "Let's do it! This one's dangerous!" Oulo yelled "We should kill it!" he continued "I'm gonna waste you" Eld said, pulling out his blade.

'Fool, you ran right into hell' Eren thought 'Your chasing a group of elite titan killers!" he looked forward to see his captain calm and riding forward "Captain Levi?!" Eren exclaimed "Captain!" Petra yelled "Tell us what to do!" Oulo yelled  "It's almost on us!" Oulo yelled again "Were going to kill it!" Eld exclaimed "That's why we entered this forest. Isn't that right, Captain?!" he asked loudly "Captain, Your orders!" Eren yelled in a panic. Levi finally turned around a bit "Everybody, cover your ears." he said, they looked at him confused when he turned back around, grabbing his flare gun and shooting a flare.

To Be Continued...


(A/N): SO HOW WAS THAT?! DID U LIKE IT?! Ugh I know, it was the 57th expedition and you know how it goes...or do you?!

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