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"Oppa!!!! Open up!!!!", you shout and bang at your stepbrother's apartment one night, totally drunk.

You went out drinking at a bar near the area alone. You didn't want to go back to your new apartment since it's still under construction. You needed a place to crash, and you thought of your stepbrother. 

"Damn it! Who the heck could be knocking at this hour?" You can hear JB cursing at the other side of the door. He unlocks the door and you stumble in, grinning your drunk face up at him as you pick yourself up from the floor. 

"Oppa!" You lunge yourself to him and kiss him on the cheek. 

"Yah!", he shouts at you. "Have you been drinking again? Why are you here?"

"Nae, Oppa." You walk to the kitchen and open the refrigerator to find something cold to drink. Your throat is dry from drinking too much and shouting. 

"What the heck, Bel." He follows you in and grabs your arm and pulls you towards the door. "I told you not to come here drunk, didn't I?"

"Just tonight, please?????" You try to act cute and pout like a puppy. 

"What's that ruckus?" Junior comes out of his room after being awakened by your loud mouth. 

"Junior," you shout and race to him to give him a hug. 

"Bel?" He hugs you back, but pushes you away after smelling the alcohol reeking from you. "I didn't know you were back."

"Just got back last week. I guess Oppa here didn't tell you." You slump on the sofa and stretch. 

"What are you doing here?" Your angry stepbrother is still....well...angry.

"I need a place to sleep." You say it like it's the most normal thing in the world. 

"Not here. All the boys are in and..." he's pulling you off the couch but you won't budge.

"She can stay in my room," Junior comes to your rescue. "I'll just sleep in Mark's. He's coming in the morning." 

"No, no, no, no!!!!!" JB still pulls you. 


"No! You got your own apartment don't you?"

"It's still under renovation. And you know how I hate staying in hotels. Please......." you start begging again. 

"The fuck's wrong with you???" He sits down beside you and hits your leg really hard. You know he's gonna give in sooner or later. 

The first time you met JB was during his mom's and your dad's wedding. That was ten years ago. He learned to accept you as a sister immediately after your dad and you moved in with them. He took care of you like a real sister. He would always get mad at you but would soon give in after seeing you cry. He spoiled you too much, and you know it. 

So, you try to take advantage of him every now and then. 

"Thanks, Oppa," you hug him and head to Junior's room. "Good night," you shout but then quickly cover your mouth when you see the two guys sleeping in the adjoining room. 

"I'm sorry, Jin-young," you hear him apologize to Junior as you wash up in the bathroom. 

You got a shirt from Junior's closet and puts it on, you really hate sleeping with pants on. You only have the shirt over your undies. You tuck yourself in bed and get the most possible sleep you can. 

You hear a deep voice screaming beside you. What???? You open your eyes only to see a hot, shirtless guy looking down on you and screaming his top off. 

"Aaahhh," you start shouting, too, as you realize the situation. "Who are you?"

"I should be the one asking you that. Who the fuck are you?" He grabs his shirt hanging on the chair beside the bed and tries to cover his torso. 

"What's going on here?" JB and the other boys come in. Except Junior and JB, the others eye you in shock. 

"Oppa!" You shout.

"Oppa?" the shirtless guy looks at JB questioningly. 

"I'm sorry, guys." JB starts to apologize. "This is my stepsister, Bel. Bel, this is Mark," he points at the shirtless guy still eyeing you from beside the bed. "Jackson, Bambam, Yugyeom and Youngjae," he points at them one by one. 

"Hey, good morning," you tell them. You look back at Mark and blush in embarrassment. You realize how well-toned his body is and how pretty his face looks. He's got straight, dark red hair that falls just below his eyes. Perfect shaped lips and flawless skin. 

He blushes and clutches his shirt closer as he notices you studying him. 

"Mark, I thought you weren't coming back until this morning?" Junior asks.

"My flight was early," Mark puts on his shirt and walks slowly out the door. 

You look at the clock on the wall, and it's just 6 in the morning. You follow the boys out and sit on the couch beside JB.

"I'm sorry about all this." JB starts apologizing again, "This jackass over here," he looks at you scornfully and you stick out your tongue at him, "came in last night, drunk, looking for a place to sleep." 

"That's fine," Jackson says, smiling at you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know someone was using Junior's room," Mark looks at you apologetically. 

"It's not your fault," you pull your legs up on the couch.

"YAH!!!!" JB shouts again. "Can't you at least wear pants?" 

You look down at your bare legs and realize these boys are not used to nakedness. You stand up and go to Junior's room where your clothes were hanging. You got them and go to the bathroom to take a shower and change. 

The boys were already preparing breakfast when you get out. You're drying your hair with a towel and you smell the delicious ham Yugyeom is cooking in the kitchen. 

"You should leave now," JB says as soon as he sees you come out of the room. 

"You have to stay for breakfast," Junior offers and you smile. You are really hungry and your stomach is already grumbling. 

"Thanks, Junior," you sit on an empty chair at the table.

"You didn't tell us you have a hot sister," Jackson wriggles his eyebrows at you. 

"She's my stepsister. When my mom married her dad, she was already part of the package." JB says.

"Nice to meet you!" Youngjae smiles, "uhm, Noona?"

"She's a year older than you, my age," Junior says.

"How come you know her and we don't?" Bambam asks Junior.

"During the JJP times, I would sometimes visit their house in their hometown. I've met her several times," Junior explains as he plops ham and rice in his mouth.

"Oppa," you look up from your food and into JB's eyes, "can I stay here one more night?"

"YAH! NO!" JB immediately yells and stands up. "Just eat your share and leave." 

"I don't mind sharing the room with you," Mark says jokingly. 

"NO!" JB shouts again. "I told you not to come here, didn't I?" He walks to your side and pulls you up from your chair. "You know what? Forget about breakfast," he drags you to the door, "just leave. NOW!"

"I'm gonna tell mom," you scoff and slam the door behind you.

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