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The weekend went by with you crying over that jerk, Michael. Ever since you saw him last Saturday, you couldn't stop thinking how much of an idiot you were. Ha-neul said what? They've been going out for five years? That means you're going out with him while he's still in a relationship with her. Damn it. How stupid can you get? 

Yes, you broke up with him because of another girl..but your friend? What kind of person could do such a thing? 

"Are you ok?" Reno has noticed how down and not in the mood you are since you came back from your weekend. "It's been days and you still look like shit." 

"I'm fine. Sorry, maybe just a little tired." You lean your head on the table, staring blankly at the pictures you're supposed to edit. 

"This is not working." He goes to you and pulls you by the hand. "We're going out." 

"Where are we going? I'm not done with this yet? It's due tomorrow." 

"I'll let somebody else do it. Just come with me." The laptop closes as he pushes it down, and you find yourself walking out the building with him. "You're infecting me with your mood."

You hear a familiar clicking of the car doors unlocking and he lets you in the passenger seat. As you speed off the road, he asks you about what's going on. 

"I just don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry if I'm taking my emotions to work." 

The car stops in front of a 'Pojang-macha'. You get out of the car lazily, you're still not in the mood to drink. 

Warm air welcomes you as you enter the tent

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Warm air welcomes you as you enter the tent. There are only four tables and you choose to sit at the one just beside the entrance. Reno orders 'soju' and some 'tteokbokki'. 

The 'soju' leaves your throat burning as it enters your system and you follow it up with water to soothe it. Your nerves calm down a bit and you feel a bit better.

After drinking three shots in silence, Reno starts talking. "'Soju' really helps, doesn't it?" 

He's right. The drink really helped your mood a little. The fourth goes in smoother, and the 'tteokbokki' makes it even tastier. 

"Thanks for putting up with me these past few days, Reno."

"Don't think about it." He pours you another drink and you down it almost immediately. 

He tries to make you laugh by telling dull jokes. It's working. Next thing you know there are already seven empty bottles on your table and you're still laughing at his corniness. 

Your words are already slurring but you still manage to say, "Thank you, Reno. If only we weren't both fucked up, maybe we could make a great couple." Then you laugh again thinking of how absurd that would be. 

"Why don't we try?" The effect of the alcohol suddenly leaves your system as you hear what he said. "Bel? An open relationship maybe?" 

Is this guy serious? 

No matter how drunk you are, you're mind still uses all the energy left to function. "I was just joking, Reno." 

"Just one date, Bel. One serious date." 

"There you are, Gremlin, I've been looking all over for you," You're surprised to see JB entering the tent. 

"What are you doing here?" The alcohol rushes to your head as you try to stand up, you fall back to your seat, dizzy.

"Looking for you, shitface. You got me worried." JB pulls you up on your feet and almost drags you out the tent, holding your arm around his shoulder. 

"I'll help you," Reno offers, taking your other arm, and they take you to JB's car. 

"Thanks, man." JB nods to Reno and drives out to the street. 

"What are you worried about? Your shit face sister is just fine." Your drunken state shows in your words, they're muffled.

Your stepbrother literally throws you to your bed and you feel like hurling. You stagger to the bathroom and let out what's left of your food and the soju. 

"Why do you have to make people worry like that?" JB shouts as you return to your room. "You haven't answered my calls nor texted me back. I come to your apartment and you're always not here."

"Why're you calling anyway?" The ceiling above you seems like it's going in circles and you close your eyes to stop it. 

"Bel, sis." His voice softens. "After we returned from Goyang, you've been acting strange. I know it's because of that dickhead, Michael. I just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Thanks, bro. I'm fine. Just don't touch me...." You put up your hands to stop him from getting any closer. This conversation is inappropriate at your state. The bed beneath you seems like it's made of water.

"Ok. Sleep then. Let's talk in the morning."

Your head feels heavy when you wake up at JB's singing in the kitchen. His high pitches make your temples pound even more. 

"Oppa!!!" You shout at him, "stop singing...PLEASE!!!"

"Wake up." He yells back. "You'll be late for work. I've cooked breakfast." 

The smell of 'soju' from last night reeks out of your skin and makes you want to hurl again. Nothing would come out anymore as you hug the toilet seat. You stand up and turn on the shower. The cool water cascading down your body helps ease your hangover. As you scrub your body off the smell from last night, you try to think if you've done something stupid. 

"No, I don't think so," you tell yourself. 

"Hurry..." JB shouts yet again, "the food's gonna get cold." 

You wipe yourself dry and put on a robe. The water drips from your hair and leaves traces on the floor from the bathroom to the kitchen. 

"Here, I made you some soup for your hangover."

"Thanks, oppa." The soup warms your stomach and you feel much better. 

"Hey, whatever is bothering you, you can tell me. You know that, right?" 

"Yes, thanks." You hug him, knowing he's sincere. Ever since you were young, you've always depended on him. Now that you're older, you want to be more independent, especially from him. He's been fixing most of your problems. You know how busy he is nowadays, he has his own problems. You don't really want to bother him anymore. 

Suddenly, your phone rings, interrupting both of you. 

"Yes? Reno?"

"Hey, Bel. You don't have to come to work today. I'll be out. Just take this day off." 

"Really? You sure? How about the edits?"

"They're all done. Don't worry about them."

"Thanks, then."

"Have a great weekend. See you on Monday."

You really weren't in a good condition to work anyway. Your morning just got better. You can rest and sleep your hangover away. 

JB leaves after breakfast, saying he has something to do. You stroll to your room and ready yourself for another long sleep. 

Ding dong!

"Aaaarrrggghhh", you complain, "Oppa what did you forget?", thinking that JB might have forgotten something in your apartment. 

Instead, a smiling, overly excited Mark, bursts in your door.

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