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"Hey there beautiful," Reno peeks in your office, "dinner?"

"Huh? What time is it?" You look up from your laptop and check the clock. It's almost nine in the evening. "Shit, I didn't notice." 

"You've been working overtime everyday for months now. Come on. It's Friday. Let's go out," he pulls you to your feet and puts his arm around your waist. 

You push him gently and smile at his pouting face. "I still have a lot of work to finish. You've been taking in a lot of projects, Reno." 

You try to go back to your seat but he pulls you by the hand and gets your bag that was on the table. 

"No," he says firmly. "You and I are going out for dinner and that's final." He pushes you out the door and locks it behind you. 

"Ok, ok..." you tell him, giggling at how childish he looks. 

He takes you to a very fancy restaurant with a beautiful view of the Han River. The waiter, who seems to be expecting you, beams and leads you to a private room. 

A table is set elegantly in the middle of the room. A bouquet of flowers is on one of the chairs. 

You look around questioningly and at Reno. "What's this?"

"Just to celebrate," he pulls the chair with the bouquet on it, takes the flowers and hand them to you. 

You furrow your brows, "Thank you. But why?"

"It's my birthday." He smiles shyly and scratches the back of his head. 

"Oh my God. Why didn't you tell me? I should've bought something for you." You should've known. You've been working for him for months now. Not to mention, going out with him for a week - officially. "Happy Birthday, BOSS," you step closer to him and peck him on the cheek. 

After the hurtful incident two months ago, he didn't leave you, saying 'you're too precious to let go'. In those two months, with his help, you were able to get rid of Mark in your system. You've changed your number, moved to a new apartment near the studio and stopped watching TV.

"I hate it when you call me that," he frowns. Then his arm goes around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. 

A waiter comes in with the food, making both of you blush. You thank the waiter after he sets the food on the table. 

"Happy Birthday," you say again as you make a toast. "So, how old are you now?" Yes...you still don't know. 

"Twenty-eight. But, I feel like a freakin' old man." Frowning yet again. 

"You look like one, too," you joke, making him bite his lip, pretending to be hurt. 

This is better - safer. Reno knows your perception and respects it. "This is much better," your brain tells you, but your heart still feels empty. 

The food is great. After you've finished the whole bottle of wine, Reno takes you to an expensive looking bar just beside the restaurant. 

"Thanks for coming with me," he says, downing his fifth shot of whiskey. You're still on your third but you already feel the alcohol hitting you. You're sitting at the bar and you feel his hand rest on your lap. He leans forward and your lips touch. The kiss deepens and the bartender clears his throat, making both of you chuckle. "How about we take this to your place?" he whispers. 

"I'd like that," you say, giving him a quick kiss before standing. You haven't had sex in months and the tequila you've had is making you horny. 

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