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The warm air and the strong smell of paint welcomes you home to your apartment. You lock the door behind you and head straight to the bathroom where you take a shower. 

As the water run down your body, you remember what happened last night. 

"Fuck, Bel. You messed up this time," you scold yourself. "JB's gonna murder you now." 

But, damn, he was good. It was the first time you had an orgasm in years...not to mention two orgasms. 

"That's it, Bel. You won't go near him ever again." You try to tell yourself. 

You know how mad JB is going to be when he finds out. You just hope and pray Mark's not a kiss-and-tell. 

You step out of the shower feeling fresher, get in your most comfortable clothes and phone take out. Last night made you hungry and exhausted. You need to relax and rest a while before the workers would come and do the finishing touches in your house. 

After having a satisfying breakfast and taking an hour nap, you go out and  head to Han River with your camera, a tripod and a book you're in the middle of reading. 

You see a couple taking selfies by the river and making heart signs with their hands. 

"Pfft..." you scoff at them, "only their pictures are gonna last forever," you think to yourself. 

You see, you've lost all your hope in love and romance ever since you caught your ex-boyfriend sleeping with another girl. He promised you forever, but did the same thing to five other women. You looked at your father who had been married and divorced 3 times and think that there is no such thing as love. It only exists in fairy tales.

You set your tripod up just a few meters away from the water and secure your camera on top of it. The water sparkles as the sun hits it and you start taking pictures after pictures, moving from one place to another to get the best shot. 

Your phone goes off and see your stepbrother calling.

"Shit!" Your heart starts to race as you keep on thinking what you would say to him and how you would explain what went down with you and Mark last night. 

"Hello?" You answer, a little bit scared. 

You wait for him to shout at you as you put the phone up to your ear. 

But you hear a soft voice instead, "Hey, sisie...what are you up to today?"

A bit confused, "uhm...?" 

"Let's have a house warming party at your house. They'll be done fixing it today, right?"

"Oh...yeah.." your heart rate goes back to normal as you realize Mark didn't tell him. "Sure. Just you and me, right?"

"I'll call my friends over."

"Ok," then you think again, Mark is coming? "Oh..wait...Oppa..." but he already hang up. 

"Shit! Shit!", you curse aloud making the passers-by look at you. You pace back and forth thinking of how to get out of this. But your mind is blank. You're not ready to see Mark yet. 

You gather your things and head to a cafe in a building overlooking the beautiful river. You order coffee and try to think. 

"Think, Bel," you tell yourself. You take out your phone as you sip the hot coffee and start texting JB.

'Bro, sorry. Need to cancel the party. I need to be somewhere.' Send.

'Where? You don't start work until next Monday.'

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