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You sit on the passenger seat in Reno's car, on your way back to Seoul, in complete silence. 

"Should I take you to your apartment first?" You look at yourself and you seriously need a shower.

"Sure," you tell him. 

The car stops in front of your apartment and he immediately gets out and opens your door for you. 

"Thanks," you say, "would you want to have breakfast first?" You should at least offer him, although you didn't really want to...after what happened last night. 

To your surprise, "Yes, sure," he says. 

You check your refrigerator and see only eggs...you remember having bacon...but then...oh yeah....Mark cooked it for you last time. 

"I'm sorry....eggs okay with you?" you ask Reno.

"No problem."

"I'm sorry about last night," Reno apologizes first. 

"No...I'm sorry," you look up at his sorry eyes. 

"I don't usually do it with my employees, Bel. Believe me. It's just...I'm attracted to you."

That leaves you speechless. He's a really attractive man himself, but he's your boss. 

"Reno...look. You're my boss...and..."

"So, should I fire you then?"

"What?" He's gonna fire you for not having sex with him? The hell's wrong with this guy?

He chuckles at your expression. "I was kidding, Bel. You look so serious. It's no big deal. Chill."

"So, let's just forget about it?"

"Yes...maybe...but still ..." he looks straight into your eyes. "I'm serious when I said I'm attracted to you."


"I know...you're not into relationships. And so am I. Wouldn't that make us perfect for each other?"

Damn these guys and their horniness. 

He stands up and you freeze. His face is slowly coming towards you. It touches your forehead and he makes a smacking sound. 

"See you at work." He leaves you still flustered. 

What just happened? 

The days go by without any incident, both from Mark and Reno. Your bags are all packed for the weekend and JB's honking like crazy at the street below. 

It's gonna be a relaxing weekend, just you and your family and noone's gonna disturb that peace. 

"Hey, Bel," Junior waves from the passenger seat of the van. 

"Hurry up," Jackson shouts from behind him. 

You shake your head and look angrily at JB, who is smirking his way to the driver's seat. 

You squeeze yourself at the back of the van between Youngjae and Mark. Mark...not looking at you, scoots by the window far enough as not to touch you. 

"Oppa!" Your shout echoes in the van, "Why'd you have to bring your whole damn crew?" you scoff.

"The more the merrier." He laughs.

Damn it...Your peaceful weekend, you predict, would be a disaster. 

The boys sing and bicker all the way to Goyang. You look out the window and see the same hotel you slept in just nights before, and you can't help but feel sorry for Reno. 

As if on cue, your phone rings. 

"Reno," your voice a little soft. You can feel Mark turn his head to look your way. 

"Hey, Bel? Are you free this weekend? Maybe we could..you know...hang out?" You can just imagine him scratching the back of his head in embarrassment as he says it. 

"Sorry, Reno. I'm actually on my way to my Dad's."

"Oh...of course. Next time then."

"Sure. Sorry again."

Pfftt...Mark rolls his eyes and looks out the window. 

Ignore him Bel.

Your dad hugs you tight as you get off the van, gives JB a high five and greets the other members. 

"The whole gang is here," JB's mom comes out the door with a smile. You hug her and give her a peck on the cheek. 

In-soo, your six year old half brother, runs to you and jumps on your arms making you fall back. Mark immediately grabs you from behind, holding your waist firmly. 

"Thanks," you say but don't look back. 

His hands stay there a little longer and you can feel some tingling sensation from his touch. You're wearing a hanging shirt and his fingers are touching your bare skin. 

The aroma of delicious food coming from the house makes you move forward and head straight to the kitchen where you can see Galbi on the grill. 

Everybody gathers around the table and digs in. It's been so long since you've had home cooked meals. You can see the boys having their fill, too. 

"I heard Michael's home," your dad blurts out while you're having tea. 

The tea comes out of your mouth as you hear his name. Michael is your ex. You started going out when you were in your last year in high school. Both of you decided to go to Australia together to study. You broke up with him a year after that. 

JB chuckles, knowing what happened between you and Michael. Mark looks at you and tries to understand who Michael is...you can see it from his eyes.

"Oppa, let's go out tonight," you tell JB, to change the topic. 

"Yeah...I heard Mr. Kang opened a new club near here."

"Aigoo..." JB's mom complains, "Just be home before midnight."

"We're not Cinderella, Omma," JB says. 

You get ready for clubbing. You wear a backless dress that falls to just in the middle of your thighs. You look in the mirror and your satisfied with the light make up you put on. 

"Bel, how many more hours do you need?" JB shouts.

"I'm coming," you run out your room and all eyes are on you. 

"Can't you wear something longer?" JB, being the overprotective older brother, shakes his head. "Go and change."

But you don't, of course. Instead you head straight to the door, choose your red stilettos and put them on. 

"Aish..." He couldn't do anything else but follow you out the door. The other boys follow behind, too.

The club is already almost full, the boys lower their caps as they enter. You immediately get as far away from them as possible and you find a seat at the bar. You put your purse on the counter and order a shot of tequila. Tequila is your favorite whenever you go to clubs. It just makes you party....

As you put the lemon in your mouth, you turn around and see the boys already mingling with a group of girls at the other side of the floor. 

You get another shot and head to the dance floor. The DJ's mix is really groovy and you just want to dance your worries away. 

A hand touches you from behind. Ready to kick the pervert's face off, you turn around and see Michael. 

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