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"Michael." You're surprised to see him here. Memories of your past come flashing bits and pieces in your mind. 

"Still looking good, I see," he says holding you by the waist and eyeing you from head to foot. 

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself," he's still hot. He's got that wet look on his hair, well-toned body, crooked grin on his face. 

He pulls you closer and runs his hand on your bare back. "I've missed you, Sweetie." 

He used to call you that when you were still together, and at that time you loved hearing it. But, coming out from his mouth now, it sounds disgusting. You try to pull yourself away but he holds fast. 

"Let's dance," he says as he takes your hand and swings you to his side. 

"Michael?" A girl comes between you and you recognize her quickly. 

"Ha-neul," she was one of your closest friends in high school. "How are you? I thought you went to the States?" You give her a quick hug. 

Michael looks a bit rattled. He quickly backs away from you. 

"You're attending the early reunion, aren't you?" She asks. 


"Yup...since everybody....almost all our high school batchmates are in Korea, they planned on an early reunion. Haven't you heard?"

"No...when is it?" You were too busy with your own life that you haven't checked emails from old friends. 

"Next week. Friday. Michael and I are going to announce something during the reunion. You have to be there," she says in her bitchy tone. She hooks her arm on Michael's and realization strikes. 

Michael runs his hand through his hair, looking down on his feet. Maybe afraid to see your reaction.

"Announce something?" 

"Yes...Well, let me keep you in our little secret. We've already been going out for five years..."

Five years? 

Ha-nuel keeps on talking but you can only see her lips moving. You look at Michael with fury in your eyes. You so want to put a hole on the forehead of his with your brand new stilettos. 

"Don't tell me you're still single?" She asks, a little sarcastic. 

"Of course not," Mark's arm goes around your waist and he plants a kiss on your shoulder. "Baby, are they your friends?"

Their eyes grow bigger as they look at the handsome celebrity beside you, fondling your fingers with his own. Mark offers his other hand to them, "I'm Mark," he smiles his prettiest. 

"Oh..." Ha-neul takes Marks hands and shakes it ever so slowly. "Ha-neul."

Michael does the same, with Mark gripping a little bit too hard. 

"Ugh...Nice meeting you, I'm Michael." 

Mark gives them a nod.

"So, you're coming to the reunion, right?" Ha-neul says eyeing Mark with interest. 

"Of course we are," Mark answers for you, clasping your waist to force you to smile. 

"See you there then," the two take their leave. 

You hit Mark's stomach with your elbow and walk to the exit. The cool air outside stops your tears from falling. You walk past bars and you find a park. There's a small bench in the park just beside the lake. You take off your shoes and the grass feels soft under your bare feet. You sit on the bench and start sobbing. 

Mark sits beside you and gently pulls your head to his shoulder. You continue bawling as he sits in silence and hands you his hankie. 

"I'm sorry," you finally say, wiping your tears with the handkerchief he gave you. 

"Don't be," he takes off his jacket and puts it on you. "So, is he your ex?"

"Yes," there's nothing to hide now. "Well...I thought...now, I don't know." Tears are threatening to come out again but you tilt your head up to stop them. "We started dating before we went to Australia together. But, hearing what Ha-neul said, I don't know anymore."

"He's an asshole," he rubs your shoulder to console you but it does very little. 

You tell him about your relationship and how you broke up. It's nice to have someone listen to you rant. It makes you feel a bit lighter inside. 

"Is that why you...?" he hesitates to ask. 

"One of...he was just the last straw. I thought he was gonna change my point of view...but he just made it worse." 

"Come here," he pulls you back in his arms and tears fall down again. 

His phone rings after several minutes and he answers. 

"JB." "Yes, I'm with her." "Something came up." "We'll just meet you back in the house." 

"It's JB. He's worried."

"Shall we go back to the club, then?" You look at yourself in the mirror you take out from your purse. It's a good thing you only wore light make up, if not, it would be running down your cheeks by now. You dab powder on your cheeks and below your swollen eyes. 

"I have a better idea." Mark stands up and slips your shoes on your feet. He pulls you up and you walk out the park. 

You enter a 'Noraebang' and he immediately chooses a song for you - a rock song in the 90s. You scream the lyrics as if you just don't care. All the pain and heartaches you have inside come out with each word you sing. He takes another mic and sings along with you. 

You slump on the couch and drink from the bottle of beer on the table. You're actually having a good time. 

"Thank you," you tell Mark, with all sincerity.

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