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As you get out of the studio you take out your phone and call your stepbrother.

"What?" he says, rather irritated.

"Oppa," you shout, "I got a job. Now, come out and I'll treat you lunch."

"Really?" You can just imagine how wide his smile is. "I'm proud of you lil sis. Ok, meet me at the resto near our company. Call me when you get there."

"Ok, Oppa."


"So, what job is this?" JB asks after the waiter took your orders.

"It's a photography work." You smile at him, feeling proud you found a job that is related to what you've studied.

"Great." His smile is sincere and you can see he's also proud.

"So when are you starting?" 

"Next Monday. So, I need to go do some shopping. Would you come with me?"

"I can't. I still have work to do."

"Uhm...I'm kinda running out of funds...and.." 

"Yah!!!" You jump back at your seat with his outburst. "You've been thinning out my bank account ever since you came."

"Please???? I promise I'd pay you back as soon as I receive my first salary. Please?????" You try to be cute again and he caves in.

"Just...know your limit." He hands you his credit card with a sigh. 

"I love you, Oppa." Your smile is from ear to ear. 

Your orders came and you start digging in. You need the energy since you're going shopping after and you would be walking from shop to shop. 

"You know what, Oppa? Your members...they all look good...", you say, remembering especially the shirtless guy who woke you up. 

"Yah!!!", he shouts again, "don't you even think about it, ISABEL." He stresses your name like it's the hardest to pronounce. 

"I was just saying," you back off and put your hands up in front of you. Then you lean forward on the table, "Mark most of all, he's.." you start to say.

"NO! Bel, just lay off my friends. There are a lot of guys out there! Not them," he pokes his food, "Please...."

"Ok, ok. I get it. All except them."

"Are you done? I need to go back to the company." He stands up.

"Oppa?" You run beside him as you exit the building, "my apartment's still..."

"NO....go to a hotel." He is stern. He walked fast into the sidewalk and doesn't look back. 

"Grumpy old man," you shout at him and you make your way the other direction. 

You spend a lot, with four bags of dresses, two boxes of shoes and a new perm. Knowing all too well that your stepbrother's gonna call you any time now after he sees how much of his money you've used. 

And just as you expect, your phone goes off. 

"What did I tell you about your limit...?" he shouts and you pull the phone away from your ear. 

"I'll pay you back. Sorry. I love you. Mwah." You hang up with him still saying something. 

It's already dark and your feet are starting to complain. You've walked in and out of different stores all afternoon and you're starting to get tired. 

You enter a small bar just beside the mall. It's very cozy and quiet and only a few tables were taken. You sit at the bar, put your shopping bags on the floor under your feet and order a bottle of ice cold beer. 

As you downed your 3rd bottle of the night, a man comes up beside you. 

"So, drinking again?" A familiar voice asks.

You turn your head and you're face to face with the prettiest guy you've ever seen. Well, he's pretty and your a bit tipsy, that made his face glow even more. 

"Mark, right?" You ask him as he takes the chair beside yours.

"Yup. We almost slept together earlier this morning." He reminds you, chuckling.

How can you forget? You can still see his abs from under that white shirt he's wearing right now. You blush as you remember the look on his face when he discovers an almost naked girl beside him on the bed. 

"Drinking the night away?" He asks, he orders two bottles and puts one in front of you.

"Thanks...." you get the bottle and drink. "Yeah....my apartment's still unlivable." 

He starts talking to you and you find yourself gazing at his lips. They have a heart shape and they turn up crookedly as he laughs. 

"You have very nice lips, too," he says, noticing how you stare at his.

"Oh...sorry," you snap out of your trance and look at your almost empty bottle. You lift it up to your lips and drink all to the last drop. 

"Another one?" He asks and you nod. He signals the bartender for two more. 

He talks about your stepbrother, their group and some other things you don't remember. 

Your eyes are getting heavier and your foot slips off the iron bar under your chair. Mark catches you before you hit your head on the counter. 

"Are you ok?" he says, a little worried. 

"I'm sorry. I think I've had too much for the night." You try to count back how many bottles you've downed but got lost on 6. 

"I'll take you to your apartment...oh...hotel?"

"Yeah..." Like you have a choice. You can't sleep in your apartment yet and your stepbrother would surely kick you out of his. 

"Let me take you," he helps you with your bags and leaves money on the counter. 

He hails a taxi as you step out of the bar. 

"Where to?" the driver asks. Mark looks at you for an answer.

"Oh...the nearest hotel." You say.

"You haven't booked yet?" His fascination on you comes out with his laughter. 

"No, I was hoping my stepbrother would pity me and let me sleep in his ... I mean your apartment." 

"Staz Hotel then," he tells the driver. 

You rest your head on his shoulder as the driver speeds off on the street. Your right hand finds its way to his arm and you hook yours around it. He doesn't remove it, instead he got your hand and places it in between his. 

"I'll wake you up when we get there," he whispers. You close your eyes and feel your insides tingle as he moves his thumb up and down the back of your hand. 

Something inside you was sparked. "No, ISABEL, he's your brother's friend." You try to tell yourself, but that doesn't stop your heart from beating fast. 

Friends With Benefits (Mark Tuan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now