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Your hand touches his chest as he tries to get inside your apartment. 

"What are you doing here?" The tone of your voice didn't stop him. Instead, he brushes your hand away and goes straight to the kitchen to get something to drink in the refrigerator. 

"Are you packed yet?" He asks, ignoring your question.

"Packed? What? Why should I?" Why should you, really? You follow him in the kitchen and watch him as he finishes his glass of ice cold juice. 

"It's Friday." 


"Your reunion!" His eyes peek out from his cap, "Remember?"

Oh..he meant THAT. 

"I'm not going." You've already decided not to go the time Ha-neul told you. You really don't want to see Michael again. You've tried to forget about him for the past three years and he suddenly shows up with a big revelation sparking up the heat you've thought you've already gotten rid of.

You stride to your room planning on leaving Mark to do whatever he wants in your apartment as you sleep the day away. 

Unfortunately, he follows you in just as you lean your head on your soft pillow. 

"Why not?"

"I don't feel like it." You close your eyes and wish he goes away.

"Yah...I've already told them we're going. What happens to my pride then, ha?" He pulls away your blanket revealing your bare legs. Remember, you only have a bathrobe on. 

"Damn it, Mark. Then go," you yell, wrapping yourself with the robe, "and take your pride with you." 

Why does he want to go there so bad? It's not even his reunion. 

"Don't mind if I do," he says, picking you up from the bed and leaving you on the floor with your knees curled to your front. 

"What the heck, Mark," you scream again. 

"Now, get changed and don't sulk there like a damn loser." 

So, he thinks you're sulking over Michael that's why you don't want to go. Well...he's partly right. You don't want to go because of him. Although you miss seeing your old friends, you decide not to go because you would also see that jackass ex-boyfriend of yours. 

Suddenly, you feel Mark's sincerity. He's just trying to help you get over Michael. You smile to yourself that he really does care. 

"What are you still doing down there? Hurry up and get dressed."

Next thing you know, your arms are around his waist from behind and your smiling from ear to ear. 

"Thanks, Mark." 

You can hear him smirk, then you go on to pack your things and get ready. 


"Let's do this," although your insides are about to come out, you still manage to cheer yourself. 

Mark offers his arm and you take it. As you enter the hall, the music gets louder. The venue is not that huge and it was packed. 

You see Min, one of your closest friends in high school, and she comes running to you with a glass in her hand, still being her old quirky self. 

"Bel, I missed you," her lipstick leaves a trace on your cheek. Mark reaches out his finger to erase it somehow. 

"Just a little bit more," he says as he rubs his thumb down the soft spot of your face. 

"And who is this fine looking man you're with?" Min notices him and eyes him with interest. 

"Hi, I'm Mark." He stretches out his hand for her to shake.

"You mean THE Mark? Mark Tuan?" She says it too loud and other eyes glance your way. 

"Tone it down, will you?" You shush her and she smiles apologetically. 

"Mark of GOT7?" she asks, a little softer now. 

"Yes, that's me," Mark chuckles and shyly runs his hand on his hair. 

Another friend of ours joins us, Joon-ho. He used to be so quiet in class but looking at him now, you gape at his masculinity and coolness. You make the introduction and the boys exchange greetings. 

"Look who finally showed up," that bitchy voice make all of you look to the oncoming pretty girl with a tight fitting black dress. 

"Ugh," Min tries to hide her disgust as Ha-neul nears. She's hated her ever since primary school. So when Min knew you were friends with her in high school, Min tried to pull you out of Ha-neul's circle, saying she's bad for you. 

"Hey," you say smiling a crooked smile to cover your scorn. Mark just nods at her and puts his arm protectively over your shoulder. Knowing that Michael would come next, Mark pulls you closer to him. 

"Mark," Michael shakes his hand. 

"Michael," he grips him harder. 

"We all get to sit together again, just like in high school," Ha-neul says, "we're at the same table," pointing at the table just below the stage. 

"Just my luck," Min grumbles under her breath. 

The whole group goes to the table and Mark pulls your chair for you. "Thanks," you look up to him and smile. It seems like you're gonna be thankful to him the whole night. 

The program begins with a speech from the student body president, then a performance from the dance club. 

After the program, comes the socialization. People start standing from their tables and whipping it on the dance floor. You watch as your friends join the crowd of people enjoying the music. 

Mark stands up, too, to refill your drinks and you're left at the table with Michael. You try not to look at him as you feel him staring at you. 

"Bel," he starts to say. "Can we talk?"

"What about?" You try to sound casual.

"Uhmm...not here," he looks at the number of people around. "Let's go outside." 

"I don't think there's anything we need to talk ab..." but he was already dragging you out the veranda. 

"Michael, what are you doing?", you try to free your arm from his grasp but he was much too strong. 

He finds an empty spot at the corner and takes you there. 

"Bel, look. I know you're surprised at what you heard last time at the club. About me and..." 

"You and Ha-neul," you finish for him, composing yourself so as not to smack his face. 

"Yes," his apologetic eyes want you to believe he's sincere, but you know better than to do that. "I'm sorry. It's just that, I was so in love with you and I didn't want to lose you so I didn't say," his voice trails off at the last words. 

His words hit you like a rock. "Love? Do you even know what that is?"

"I do," he pins you against the wall, "I do, Bel. And that's what I'm still feeling for you. I regret what I've done before. Give me another chance. Please. Ha-neul? She's nothing."

You stare at him speechless. It's the first time he apologizes and you feel a tug at your heart. When you broke up with him he always let you feel it was your fault he was doing such things. 

He sees your vulnerability and leans in closer. 

A hand grabs his shoulder and pushes him to the ground. 

"Lay off my girl," Mark threatens. He gently pulls you towards him. "Are you ok?", still glaring at the sprawled man on the floor. 

"Yes, thanks," you tell him and you feel much safer with his arms around you. 

"Let's get outta here."

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