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Warning!!!!! XXX


You enter the hotel room with Mark following close behind with your bags. 

"Are you gonna be ok here?", he asks. 

"Yeah, thanks." You sit on the bed and start removing your shoes. 

He puts your bags down on the bed and goes in the bathroom, "I just need to pee and I'm on my way," he says.

It takes him longer inside and you really want to wash up. You stand up and start banging on the door of the bathroom. "Are you done yet?" You lean your full weight on the door. The next thing you know, you're on top of him. He's sprawled on the floor and is breathing heavily as you try to push yourself up. 

"I'm sorry," you say and look down at his face. 

Your heart speeds up again as you gaze at the most alluring eyes. You can't stop yourself and you lean forward and press your lips against his. His lips were soft and warm. You run your tongue on his bottom lip and his mouth opens allowing your tongue to slip in. 

He moves his hands on your back and into your nape, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss. His left hand moves down again to your legs and under your dress. He strokes your leg with the tip of his fingers which makes your body tremble. He tugs at the hem of your dress and pulls it above your head, exposing only your undies. 

He then pushes  you gently and stands up. You feel your feet off the floor as he carries you to the bed with your lips still locked. He lays you down and his warm breath is now blowing on your neck. You tilt your head back allowing him to graze on the soft spot just below your ear. 

"Damn, your hot," he whispers and nibbles his way to your breast. 

You pull off his shirt and run your fingers from his shoulder down to his abs just above the hem of his pants. He helps you unbuckle his belt and kicks his pants off. He turns you and you are now on top of him. 

You bend down and meet his waiting lips, your tongues hungry for each other. Your lips slowly make their way to his neck and he moans as you suck on his collarbone. He moves his hand to your back and finds the hook of your bra. In one quick movement he unhooks it and pulls it off of you. He then pins you underneath him and starts running his hand on your sides and into your lacy panties. He rubs his fingers on your clit and a soft moan comes out of your mouth. 

As he makes you wet, he turns to his side and pulls you closer to him, his erection pushing at the small of your back. "God you're wet," he breathes down on your neck. He then inserts his fingers in your panties and finds his way to your opening. One finger pushes in, and then another. They circle your insides and make you tremble as his thumb rubs on the wall outside. 

"Fuck," you lift your pelvis up, wanting more. He moves his fingers faster and a wave of rush run down your body to your opening. 

He smirks knowing full well, he made you come with only his fingers. He pulls you up on top of him. He slides your panties off the way and pushes down his boxers, revealing his erection. 

You position yourself on top and slip his into your now very wet sex. You both cry at the same time as he slowly fills your insides with his. 

He grabs your waist and turns them making you move your hips in a circling motion. 

"That's it, Baby," he says pulling himself up to suck on your nipples. 

You run your fingers to his hair making him pull the pink tit harder. 

You move your hips faster as your arousal is heating up again. He pushes you on your back and grabs your sides, pulling you closer and burying his even deeper. 

"Shit, Fuck," you shout out. He pulls his off much to your dismay. He grazes his lips on the insides of your legs. "Mark, please....", you plead, wanting more of him. 

"You can't wait, can you?" He smirks and slides his into yours once again. 

He's pushing in deeper, faster, as your now sweaty bodies clutch on to each other. You wrap your legs around him as you're nearing. 

"Come with me, baby," he says. His sweat dripping on your forehead as he pushes even faster. 

You both shudder as he releases inside you at the same time you do. He stays on top of you for a while and withdraws, pulling you to his arms as he lay. 

Both of you are out of breath, he pulls you closer to him as he runs his lips on your nape. 

"Shit, that was awesome," you say to yourself. The last time you had an orgasm was with your ex....and that was three years ago. You've had one night stands, but they don't come close to this. 

You close your eyes, exhausted. He plants a kiss on your shoulder and closes his eyes as well. 


You wake up and look at the time...5 in the morning. Your head hurts and you can feel it pounding on your temples. You get up and almost surprised yourself at what you see. Mark is sleeping beside you, his arm across your waist. 

"Oh, fuck!" You quickly grab your clothes scattered on the bed and on the floor and head to the bathroom to change. Tiptoeing back to the room, you see Mark still not moving. You grab your bags and practically run out the hotel. 


Yas!!! You're a bitch.

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