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You hear your phone ring as you exit your room. You're all dressed for your 'date' tonight with Reno. You're wearing a decent floral dress that cuts just above your knees and black pumps. Just a little dab of make up and some lip gloss. 

You answer the phone, and it's Reno. He's already waiting outside the apartment. 'Just in time,' you think. 

You check yourself in front of the full length mirror in your bedroom one more time, then head out.

"So, where are we going?" You ask Reno as he opens the passenger door for you. 

"Let's go get dinner first, I'm famished."

You smile at him as he gets behind the wheel, hoping that the night would go on smoothly. Earlier you called your stepbrother and told him you were going out on a real date with your boss. Of course, JB was against it. He was against all your suitors and boyfriends....except Mark. Well, he was not happy about it at first, either. But, he still wished you have a great night. 

You have dinner at a luxurious restaurant just at the outskirts of the city. The sushi is good and so is the wine. You chat about your dreams of owning your own studio someday.

"Does that mean you're gonna leave me?" He jokes.

You giggle at his cuteness. How can a 6'1" guy be so cute at times. "Of course it wouldn't be that soon. By the time I leave, you'll have tons of assistants."

"But, no one better than you." He's totally flirting with you. "And as beautiful as you, I might add."

"Oh, come on, Reno." You roll your eyes but you smile just the same. "Thanks for the compliment, though."

You've already finished your complimentary wine and you both take your leave. 

"Where next?" 

"It's a surprise. I've been working on it for a long time." He drives out of the city and pass two towns. The car enters a huge gate with a sign that says 'Private Property. No Trespassing.' You get a bit nervous thinking that you're actually trespassing. 

"Don't worry. It's my family's." He looks at you and smiles and you do the same. 

The driveway opens to a breathtaking villa. It's a two-storey building with the front walls all in glass. The lights are all lit and you can see the shimmering lake just meters away. 

"Oh My God!" Is all you can say. 

"You like it?" He takes your hand as you go inside. 

Still gaping at the beauty of it, you just nod your head and follow him in. The inside is as beautiful as the outside. The first floor is open from wall to wall. No kitchens, no dining rooms, no living room. Just a leather sofa set in the middle, a fire place and walls full of pictures after pictures. 

"Welcome to my gallery," he spread his arms and twirl. 

"Gallery? In the country side?" Unbelievable. You thought it was a vacation home. "Wow!"

"I know right? I just thought people might want to visit, not just for the pictures but also for the view. The second floor," he starts for the stairs and you follow, "is a cafe. I'm thinking of adding rooms where guests could rest if they want to spend the night here." 

The top floor has at least 5 coffee tables with different themes in their own corner. Books line one side of the wall and pictures the other. You could see the whole lake from the glass windows and you gape once again. 

"Maybe one day you could showcase some of your works here." He scratches the back of his head and you know he's embarrassed. 

"Thank you, Reno. That would be great." You walk to the window and embrace the splendor in front of you. 

"It's not fully operational though, I hope I could finish it all up this month." He stands beside you. The beam from the full moon touches him and you can see how handsome he is in his button down shirt. For a while there, you see Mark's face. You erase the thought immediately. You want this night to be Mark-free and you're doing a hell of a job with it.

"Coffee?" He asks as he heads to the bar across the room.

"Tea, please," you've had too much coffee the whole week. It had been a very busy week, well...you made yourself busy, finishing all the edits at night. It was better doing something than staring at the ceiling in your room and seeing images of Mark on it. 

You're getting more and more comfortable with Reno. He's been very accommodating the whole night. 

"Thanks, Reno," you raise your cup to him, "for everything." 

"Hey, just doing my job as a boss." He smirks. "I have to take care of my employees, you know."

You giggle. "So, did you take care of Se-hee the same way?" Just out of curiosity. Se-hee's a really nice girl. She's also very charming, not to mention sexy. 

He is taken aback by your question and just stares at you questioningly. 

"Hey, I mean...never mind," you realize how the question came out. "Sorry."

He smiles then. "You're actually more special than any of my staff."

"Hm? And why is that?" 

"First, you're my assistant photographer. You have a higher position than them. Second, you're hard working. Third..." he pauses and scratches the back of his head again smiling shyly. 


"Well, I ... kinda like you." 

This is not a surprise. You already know it. He's been showing signs even before and he also told you that he's attracted to you. What's the big deal? Your heart doesn't falter but you feel flattered still. 

"Thanks," is all you say and you look out the window at the view. 

"Bel," he rounds the table and sits beside you.


"I know I've said I'm not into relationships and all that...but...I really want to try. I want to try it with you." His hands are trembling as he takes yours. Your brain says 'yes' but your heart won't follow. He would be a perfect boyfriend - attractive, kind, successful - what else would you ask for? It was ok just going on a date with him. Date is fine. But he wants more than that now. You have to back out. 

"Reno," you stand up and get your purse from the table, "I think you need to take me home, now." 

The ride back to the city is silent except for the music playing on the stereo. It's already almost midnight when he parks his car in front of your apartment. 

"It was fun. Thank you for dinner and for showing me your gallery. It's beautiful." 

"Bel," he takes your hands and puts them on his cheeks. "I'm not backing out from what I said earlier. I hope you reconsider."

"I'll think about it," then you get out of the car and up your apartment. 


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