31 - Ending

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Warning: Of course it's the end. So, I have to add a bit of smut....sorry if you don't like it. 


Shit....you totally forgot he's gonna be here. You really haven't thought about him lately. Your heart starts to raise and pound louder, as loud as the cheers from the fans.

Memories you've thought you've thrown away, come flowing in streams and rivers.

The boys come out and the camera focuses at their faces. This makes you stare at the one boy on stage who you've tried to forget.

His voice pierces through your eardrums as he raps his part. That deep voice. Camera closes in on his face. His eyes stare straight at the camera. Those hypnotizing eyes. He dances to the music. That sexy body movement.

And you find yourself melting once again. 

You can't take your eyes away from his beautiful face. Your ears couldn't hear anything else except his drowning voice. 

Fuck! You gotta get outta here. You're falling for him again. NO... 

Just when you're about to stand up, JB speaks on the mic. "I wanna thank everybody who's here. Especially our lovely IGOT7s. I also want to thank my sister,"

Shit...JB, no.

Mark's surprised face turns to JB. 

"Isabel, for letting me drag her here tonight."

The light turns your way and you see your face on the screen. You pull down your hood but wave at the same time. 

Fuck you, JB..... You can't go out now. The fans would think you're ditching your brothers concert. So, you lower yourself on the seat and finish the concert. 

Every time the lights turn on at the audience, you see Mark scan the crowd. Is he looking for you? Does he still possibly want to see you? Does he miss you as much as you miss him? Probably not. If you were him, you would be too angry that you wouldn't want to see you.

At the end of the concert, fans line up to the stage for picture taking and signing. You slowly walk out the hall without being noticed and take a taxi to the hotel. 

In the safety of your room, you start packing. 

"You're leaving again?" Mark's voice makes you jump up from where you are. 

You turn around slowly, but stop in the middle. You can't face him. You're scared that he's still mad at you. You're too ashamed of what you did. 

You look down your toes, like a child being scolded by her dad. 

"Are you gonna be a coward again and leave without saying a word?"

You try to muster up your courage to face him, but there isn't any left. Instead your mouth opens, still not looking at him, "Sorry."

"That's it?"

"I don't know what else to say. I messed up your life. I'm sorry."

"No 'I miss you'? No 'I want you back'? No nothing?" He sounds disappointed. 

Are those really want he wants to hear? Or is he just torturing you again?

"Mark,... I....I really don't know what to say." 

"Well, I have a lot to say." He comes to your side and turns you to face him. You're head still bent. "Would you want to listen?" 

You nod. 

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