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"What the fuck?" Reno shouts out as he goes down at his back. Before he could even stand, Mark is already on top of him, throwing more punches. 

"Mark," you pull on to Mark's shirt but you are too weak. "Stop it," you hit him on the back but he doesn't seem to feel it. His legs pin Reno's arms on his sides. 

Finally, Reno manages to free one arm and pushes Mark hard back on the ground. He then stands over Mark and lands a blow on his nose, making it bleed in seconds.

"Reno, stop," you shout again. He stops after two more hits. 

He backs out and you run to him, checking his cut lip. 

"Fuck, Mark. What was that for?" You yell at the man standing up behind you. 

Mark glares at Reno with fury in his eyes. 

"What? HUH? You piece of shit!" It is the first time you see Reno get mad like this. He was always calm and smiling. The Reno in front of you now is full of rage. 

"Don't," you tell him softly as he was about to attack Mark. 

Mark comes in for another attack, kicking Reno at his side. "I don't care if you're older, you asshole." He was about to throw another punch but the stupid you steps up between them. 

Mark's fist lands at the side of your head and you fall down on the ground. 

"Bel," Mark is on his knees beside you, his eyes big, worried and guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean, to..." he puts his hand on the part of your head that get hit, but Reno pulls it away fast. 

"Get your hands off of her," Reno yells and pushes him back. "Can you stand?", he lifts your head gently. The pain on your head makes you wince, you push yourself up with your hands and get on your feet. 

At that time, two of the staff who were sleeping in the room on the first floor come out. "What's going on here?", one of them asks.

"Baby, I'm really sorry," Mark comes closer again. 

Although the punch wasn't meant for you, you feel anger. Angry about what he did to Reno, angry about how he hurt you, angry about having sex with you, angry about just leaving you after that and not contacting you. Angry that even if you're outraged...you still want him. The way he's pouting, the way his eyes show concern, the way he reaches his hand out to you...all those actions make you want to run to him. 

"Don't," you tell him and to yourself, putting your hand in front of you to stop him from getting any closer. 

You can see his expression turn to panic. He opens his mouth to say something, but Reno holds you around the waist and pulls you away from Mark. 

You follow him in the house and up to your room. No tears would come out, just anger. 

Reno's cheek is starting to bruise and the cut on his lip is still bleeding. "I'm sorry about all these, Reno."

He nods. "How about you? Does your head hurt?" 

It does a little, luckily Mark's fist slipped and it didn't get you that hard. 

"I'm fine, I guess. Stay here, I'll get you some ice and something to clean your wound," you get up and go out the door of the room. 

The moment you walk out the door, you see Mark standing at the door of their room. He hears you and turns to look at you. He reaches out his hand as he makes one step, but the door opens and Jane comes out. She gets a hold of Mark's hand and pulls him in the room. 

You just shake your head and go down to get the things for Reno. You find everything in the kitchen and you run back up to your room. 

"I already knew this was gonna happen," Reno says as you dab medicine on his lip. 

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