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"How are you feeling, Bel?" Reno asks as you enter the studio Monday morning. "It's good to see you back on your feet."

"It's good to be back." You tell him. "I feel much better, thanks." 

"Do you have plans this weekend?" He scratches the back of his head, looking embarrassed.

"Not really, why?"

"I have this event I need to attend, I'm thinking if you could be my date?" He's looking at his feet now.

"What event is it?" 

"It's a charity event one of my friends is hosting. And they actually expect me to bring somebody with me."

You giggle at how red he is. "Sure, Reno. I'll go with you."

"Really?" His head shoots up, you can see elation on his eyes. "I mean, thanks."

"No problem," you smile. 

It's just a charity event anyway. It's not like you're actually going out on a date. Is it?

The week goes by fast. The studio was so busy plus you had to cover two events, that you don't realize it's already Friday. 

Your phone goes off as you start to leave the studio. It's a text message from Mark. 'Missing you.' It was short. You start wondering what he's been up to. He hasn't contacted you for days and he sends you a two-word message. 

Disappointed, you put your phone back in your bag without replying. "It seems my fantasy is really over," you tell yourself. The last weekend you've spent with Mark was heaven to you. When he left Sunday morning, you were still confused on your status. You told him you like him and he likes you, too. But, you're not really in a relationship. You're still scared to commit. 

"What if he finds somebody better than me? What if he suddenly doesn't want me anymore. What if he gets tired of me?" What ifs flood your mind. 

"I bet he's too busy with his 'wife' to give me a call," you stomp towards the bus stop. 

"Bel, let me drive you home," Reno calls from behind.

Seeing your bus already there, you just wave at him. "See you tomorrow, Reno," you run up the bus and find a seat at the back. 

Two teenage girls sitting in front of you were giggling at something they're watching on their phone. 

"They really look good together," one says.

"I heard they're going out for real," the other one whispers. 

"Really? Ooohhh. I would kill to go out with Mark."

Hearing his name, your heart drops to the floor. "So they're still going out?" He already told you last time that he kinda have feelings for the girl, but, still, jealousy hits you. You don't have a hold on him, and you can't complain. 

You close your eyes and rest your head on the window. "What a fuckin' confusing life I have," you tell yourself. 

Reno picks you up at six pm at your apartment. He's waiting in the living room while you look at the mirror one last time. You decided to wear a black halter gown that flows down to your ankles. The beaded belt shimmers as the light touches it. Black stilettos complete the look. You let your wavy hair loose, dab in a little powder, red lipstick and you're all set. 

"You look lovely," Reno stares at you with his mouth open. 

"Thank you, you look dashing yourself." You smile. Looking at the tall man in your living room in a dark gray suit. His hair is gelled to perfection. 

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