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"Wait up," Min and Joon-ho run after you as you leave the hall. "We're coming with you. Ha-neul and Mike are announcing their wedding and I think I'm gonna puke." Min makes a hurling sound and you all laugh.

"Are you ok?" Joon-ho asks, "what happened there?"

"Nothing. It's just Michael being his usual self." You say. Mark squeezes your hand and you smile up at him, mouthing 'Thank you'.

"Let's go drink somewhere else," Min suggests and all of you decided to go to a quiet bar nearby. 

"So," Joon-ho starts the conversation as you seat yourselves at a cozy table in an almost empty pub, "how long have you been going out?" He is looking at both you and Mark with interest. 

"What?" Your shocked face shows. "We're not really going out." You put your hands in front of you and wave them frantically. Mark just smirks. 

"Are you sure?" Min chides in, "cause from what I see, you two seem like you ... well...you know...like each other?" It is more of a question than a statement. 

"He's JB's friend, well of course you know that already." Obviously Min is a big GOT7 fan. "Last Saturday Michael saw us together and he thinks we're really together. So, I had to drag him out here for the reunion. You know what I mean, right?"

"No." Joon-ho is still confused. 

"Ugh...it's a long story. He just came to help." You don't really want to give details. Most especially the part where you had sex with Mark twice. 

Mark was quiet the whole night, just watching the three of you catch up. The time passes by quickly without you noticing, you were having fun listening to these two friends of yours chatting about how they've been and what they've been doing. You miss them. 

"Oh My God, look at the time," Min stands up first, "I need to go or else the folks would kill me. 

"What? Your parents still keep watch on you?" You joke. Her parents are very strict. When you were younger, Min was always the first to go home because she was scared of what her dad might do to her. 

"What do you think? I really have to get married soon, I need to get out of that nightmare of a house." Then she hugs you, "I missed you, Bel. I'll call you when I go to Seoul."

"Sure thing."

"I need to get going then, too. Still have to catch some zees." Joon-ho says his goodbye to both of you and follows Min out the door. 

Just then that you realize Mark's silence. "Hey, are you ok?" you ask him. 

"Let's sleep in a hotel for now," he stands up and takes his jacket hanging from the chair. 

"You've been quiet ever since we went to the bar, are you ok?" the cool air outside welcomes you and you feel yourself shiver a bit. 

"Now you care?" He hands you his jacket but doesn't look at you. Instead, he walks faster making you hasten your steps.

"Mark, what do you mean by that? Hey, wait up." 

A taxi stops in front of you and he gets in, leaving the door open for you to come in. 

"Venus Hotel," he tells the driver. 

You know something's up with him. The look in his eyes tell you he's annoyed. But why? The atmosphere in the taxi is getting heavier. Fortunately, the hotel is not that far. After a little more than 5 minutes of awkward silence, the car stops. 

"Two single rooms please," Mark tells the receptionist as you check in a grand hotel. 

The elevator ride is as silent as the taxi. You want to ask him what's bothering him but you also know you should just keep quiet. 

Your rooms are just beside each other. As soon as you enter yours, he walks past you and throws himself on one of the chairs inside. 

"We need to talk," he says. His face scares you as his eyebrows meet in the middle. You silently sit across him and wait for him to talk. 

He just looks at you for what seemed like a whole minute before saying, "What am I to you, Bel?"

That question leaves you speechless. You gape at him like his question doesn't make sense. 

"What am I to you?" he repeats, leaning closer so his face is only inches from yours. 

You try to lean back but his hands catch your shoulders and keep you where you are. 

"Tell me, coz I really wanna know." His face is full of curiosity. You feel bad deep inside that you're letting this man feel this way. But, you know you can't have him, you know his feelings are just temporary.

"Mark," you stand up and pace the room, not wanting to stare at those mesmerizing eyes any longer, "you've been really nice to me, especially tonight. I don't know how to thank you enough. But..." you can't continue knowing full well he's gonna flip. 

"But, what? You don't like me?" You can hear the sadness in his voice. 

His footsteps come closer and stops just behind you. The arms you so longingly want wrap themselves around your waist. He moves even closer and his warm body touches your bare back. His hot breathing touches your nape and it makes you tremble. The heat you've been keeping deep inside you the whole night when he touched you or when he whispered close to your ear during the party, comes out making your knees buckle. 

He turns you around and your lips are almost touching. "This is so unfair," you say under your breath as your eyes stare at each other. 

"What is?", the left corner of his lips curl up and he gives out a little chuckle. 

"You! You don't play fair," you can feel his hand coming up from your waist to the small of your bare back, his fingers leaving tingling sensations where they touch. 

"You think?" he says playfully as he teases you more with his lips. They graze on your jaw, slightly touching your skin and leaving heated breaths as he moves towards the back of your ear. 

"I like you, Isabel. More than I've ever liked anybody," his whisper is so soft but you can hear it. 

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