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"Oh?" Reno looks at Mark and at you questioningly. 

"No," you pull your hand from Mark's grasp, "I'm going home in a cab." 

"I can take you, you know," Reno can clearly see the agitation in your face as you bite your lower lip. 

"Didn't you hear me?" Mark catches your hand again, "I said, I'm driving you home." 

"No, Mark."

"The lady says no," Reno holds on to Marks hand and looks at him fiercely. 

Mark stares back at him with the same fury. "Lay off, buddy," he snaps. He pulls you towards a silver car parked in front of the building, opens the passenger door and throws you in.

Your phone rings as soon as Mark gets in behind the wheel. 


"Bel?" It's Reno. "Are you gonna be...ok? I mean...do I need to call the police?" He sounds really worried. You can see him out the window pacing the front. 

"I'm ok, Reno. I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Reno? So you're in a first name basis now?" Mark turns the ignition and forwards the car quickly. 

"What do you care, Mark," you put the phone back in your pocket. You lean your head on the window and sigh. "Just take me home."

"Look," his voice softens, "I just want to talk to you ok?"

"Talk about what, Mark? I told you..."

"That it was just nothing? Yeah...I heard you the first time," he runs his fingers through his hair and steps on the gas making you jerk back on your seat. 

"Fuck, Mark," you yell, "can you please take me home in one piece."

"I'm sorry," he slows down and you start relaxing again. "Are you mad at me?"

You sigh, knowing that he's not asking about the speeding. "No, Mark." You surely are not mad at him. In fact, you want more of him and that makes you crazy irate at yourself. 

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you."

"Damn it, Bel. You don't even want to look at me," his voice starts to get louder again. 

"Mark, I'm tired. I just want to go home and get some rest. I don't have the energy to argue with you." You close your eyes and lean on the head rest of your seat. 

He drives in silence all the way to your apartment. 

You get out of the car, "Thanks, Mark," you slam the door behind you and walk up to the entrance of the building. 

He follows you up quietly to your apartment. 

"What are you still doing here?" You snap at him as you unlock your door.

"Can we just talk?"

"Ok...just talk..." he gets in the apartment after you and closes the door gently. "Now, talk." You throw your bag on the sofa and lean on the wall. Mark walks in front of you and gently caresses your arm. 

"Mark...no..." you go to the chair and sit. 

"Alright, why are you avoiding me?"

"I already told you I'm not avoiding you."

"Don't you have feelings for me, Bel?" He stands right in front of you and you can feel his eyes gazing down. "Was it really just a one night stand?"

"Mark," your eyes meet his, "I was drunk...for god's sake..."

He bends down, holding the backrest of the couch with both his hands, locking you in between them. 

"Look at me and tell me you don't feel anything," he leans even closer and his face is just inches from yours. 

You can't...you know that your heart beats faster when you see him. That his face comes to mind often even when you're doing something else. 

You look up straight to his eyes, the pounding on your chest getting louder and louder. Your nerves are stimulated and every part of your skin becomes sensitive. But, you try to hold back. You stop yourself from pulling him to you and biting those lips of his. 

You try to slide down the chair, but he puts up his knees on it on both sides, pinning your legs to their place. 

"Say it," he whispers and you can feel his breath on your face making your knees weak, "say you don't like me." 

You muster up the courage left inside you, "I don't like you, Mark." 

His body tenses but moves to your side, he slumps on the chair and puts his head on his hands. 

You stand up and walk up the kitchen. The refrigerator cools down your now hot body. You get a bottle of beer and open it, gulping almost half to calm your nerves. 

"Now, you know Mark....you can go," you look down from the railings in the kitchen. 

"And that guy....do you like him?" 

"No, Mark...he's just my boss...."

He walks up and gets a bottle of beer which he downed in one shot. The bottle makes a clanking sound as he throws it in the bin. 

"Did you have..." he looks at you again, confusion in his eyes, "did you have sex with him?"

"What???? Mark," you pace the room feeling hurt. "Not because I had sex with you the second day we met that you would think I have sex with each and every guy I meet."

"I'm sorry," he grabs you by the waist. "I'm just a little bit confused right now."

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Mark...but..." he's too close for comfort, he pulls you even closer and your bodies are already touching. 

"But, what?", he whispers.

"Mark," you try to push him with your hand but he pulls you even tighter. He puts his other hand on your nape and caresses you there. 

You know that once he touches you with his lips you'll give in. And he does just that....

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