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You get in your empty apartment and the smell of fresh paint burns the insides of your nose. You open all the windows to aerate the room and open your unpacked luggage to find some clean clothes. 

Since you've arrived in Seoul, you've tried looking for jobs in different studios. They said they'd give you a call, but until now, you haven't received any. 

You change your clothes and head over to the only desk in the room where you've put your resumes. You get the folder, grab your camera and head out the door. You don't bother locking because you know the workers would be coming in any minute to continue fixing your apartment.

You walk to the nearest cafe and order a cup of coffee and a plate of heavy breakfast. Since your oh-so-loving stepbrother kicked you out of his house even before you had two spoons of food, you're still hungry. You take out your phone and start searching for job postings. 

After having your fill, you head out the cafe and hail a taxi. You tell the driver to take you to 'Reno Studio', a photography studio you are planning to apply in. You saw their postings just earlier on your phone and they were looking for an assistant photographer. 

"Welcome!" A tall, beautiful lady ushers you in and lets you sit on a chair in the reception area. "How may I help you, today?" she asks.

"I saw your ad, and I want to apply as an assistant photographer." You take one of the many resumes you have in your folder and hand it to her. "I've studied in Australia and just moved back here a week ago." 

"Oh," she takes the paper and studies it. "Sure. But, you're early. The owner's not here yet, would you mind waiting?"

"Of course not," you sit back on the chair. The lady puts your resume on the desk and makes a call on her cell. 

"Boss? Yes, there's an applicant here. What time would you be coming in?" She waits for an answer from the other line. "Ok. I'll tell her." 

She smiles back at you as she hangs up the phone. "He'd be here in 15 minutes."

"Thanks," you look around at the pictures that line the wall. "These are really good," you think to yourself. Photos and photos of different beautiful landscapes catch your attention. You stand up and look at them closer, side stepping as you move from one to another. 

You are so mesmerized by them that you don't notice the man standing beside you. 

"I took that when I was in Hawaii," you jump in surprise as you look at the man that owns the deep voice. 

He chuckles, seeing you wide eyed. "I'm sorry," you tell him. He's towering over you with his 6' 1" height and smiling down at you with his thin kissable lips. The dimple on his left cheek deepens as he grins wider and his eyes smile with them. He looks like a model with his well-tanned skin and sculptured jaw. 

"I'm Reno," he takes out his hand.

"Hi," you take his hand without taking your eyes off his hypnotizing eyes. "I'm...Be...Bel," you stutter, "Isabel Park," you manage to say. 

"Isabel? Is that your real name?", he grips your hand tighter as he eyes you questioningly.

"Yeah, my mom's Australian, my dad's Korean." You explain. 

"I get it," he loosens his grip and walks to one of the rooms that line the corridor. "You're here to apply?" 

You follow him inside and hand him another copy of your resume. "Yes, here's my resume." 

"Take a seat, Bel," he sits on the chair behind the desk and looks at your resume. 

"Thank you, Reno," he looks up from the paper and straight at you, a little hurt. "I'm sorry, Sir?" you correct yourself after realizing you just called him by name. 

He smirks, "I don't mind, actually," he goes back to reading the resume, "I grew up in the US, I'm used to be called by my name."

You giggle and blush at his stare. His eyes pierce through yours.

"Can I see some of your work?" He tells you.

"Yeah, Sure," you take out a clear book from your bag and hand it to him. 

He looks at them one by one and you can see he's impressed by how he lifts one corner of his mouth. 

"They're good. If I haven't read from your resume you just graduated, I would say these were taken by a real pro." He looks up at you with a wide grin on his oh-so-handsome face. 

You sit up straight proudly. "Thank you."

"So, when can you start?"

"What?", to your astonishment you don't know what to say. You cover your mouth with both your hands and let out a soft shriek. "Oh My God. Is this for real?"

"Yes," he chuckles. "This is real, unless of course you change your mind." 

"No, no. I can start next week. I just need to settle in my apartment first."

"That's perfect," he stands up and shakes your hand again. "Next Monday then, Ms. Park?"

"Yes, Re...I mean Sir." You glide out of his office and wave goodbye to the tall girl at the reception who is eyeing you like you were crazy. But you don't care. YOU GOT YOUR VERY FIRST FREAKIN' JOB.

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