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You try to get rid of Mark from your mind. For the past 3 days you've been free of anything regarding him. 

You stretch your arms over your head as you get up and get ready for your FIRST DAY OF WORK. 

You reach for your phone on the side table and read messages from JB. 

'Good luck, sis.'


You press 'reply' and start texting.

'Thanks, Oppa.'

You read another message from your new boss. 

'This is Reno. Looking forward to working with you today.'

Wow! He even texts his employees. 

You sing your way to work and smile at the lady at the reception, you find out her name's Se-hee. 

"First day? I know you're gonna like it here." She smiles back at you and hands you some papers you need to sign. "Contract," she says.

"Oh.." you were too excited the last time that you forgot to ask about the contract. "Thanks." You take them and head to the door that has your name on it. You enter it and see a small desk in the middle with different books and pictures lining the left wall. 


You sit on the chair behind the desk and start reading the contract. After which, you sign it and head outside to hand it to Se-hee. 

Reno comes in the entrance and gives you a wide smile. "Good morning! Ready to work today?"

"Sure am."

"Follow me in my office, I need to discuss some things with you." 

You follow him at the end of the corridor and sit yourself at the chair in front of his desk. 

"First, you can call me Reno." He chuckles and takes his seat. 

"Okay, Reno," you feel more comfortable with him.

"Our schedule this week is packed. Se-hee would be giving you a list later." He opens his laptop and shows you the company's portal. "Here, this is what we do." He shows you pictures of artists, events, and family portraits. "Our biggest clients are the artists. Some times we would need to go out and take videos and photos of their concerts."

"Ok, I can do that."

Reno looks at you, studying your expression. "I like that. Very optimistic." He smiles and goes back at the portal. He shows you some of the grandest events, weddings, parties and the like. 

"Let's go to the studio," he stands up beside you and hands out his hand. The smile on his face is rather stupefying. You take his hand and you walk to the studio. The double doors open to a wide floor. A green screen covers the entire wall on the right. Props fill one side of the room. "Very organized," you think. 

"This is where we work most of the days, except when we go on field." He starts explaining. "Everything we need for the pictorials are over there in that corner," he points to the pile of props. "All our gadgets are here, the cameras, tripods, computers...." then he looks at you. "I'm boring you, aren't I?"

"No, please continue," not bored at all. You are caught in this room filled with everything you've ever dreamed of. 

He continues with the tour. He leads you up a staircase in the room and you land on a smaller floor. "Here's where we take some ... well...not so wholesome pictures." He scratches his head and smirks. "I think you know what I mean." 

Of course, you can see a bed covered with a red sheet with lace trimmings. You immediately can imagine what goes on in that bed. 

"Right," you blush and turn your back to him to hide your embarrassment. 

"Well," his voice quavers, "I think this is all. Have you had breakfast yet?" He changes the topic to get rid of the heavy air between you. 

"Uh...no.." you head down the narrow staircase and he follows you close behind. 

"Let's go get something to eat, there's a cafe near here," he holds out his hand again and rushes down in front of you to help you at the last step. 

What a gentleman. 

"Se-hee, we're just going out for food," he waves. "We'll be back in an hour."

You step in a small but cozy cafe up the street. Beautiful landscape pictures are hanging on one side.

"Yes, those are mine," he whispers from behind as you scan the picturesque wonders. "My sister owns this cafe."

"Nice," the only word that comes out of your mouth.

"Speaking of the devil," he turns to his side and opens his arms to an incoming petite but really beautiful lady with short dark hair and flawless white skin. They hug each other and he pecks her on the cheek. "This is Tess, my sister. Tess, this is our new photographer, Bel." 

"It's nice to finally meet you," she pulls you to her embrace. "Reno here couldn't stop talking about how good you are." 

You blush, "I didn't even start yet."

"I told her about the pictures you showed me." He scratches the back of his head again and pulls a chair for you. 

"You're actually more beautiful than how he described you."

Reno clears his throat and you notice a light reddening on his cheeks. 

He talked about you with her sister? 

"We'll have your breakfast special, Tess." He eyes him.

"Oh...sure," she smiles at you and heads to the kitchen. 

"I didn't know you gossip about your new employees," you say casually. 

"I...I'm sorry," he chuckles. 

You smile thinking that if only you're into relationships, he would be a great candidate. 

"Bel, an idol group is coming over this afternoon. They need a photoshoot for an upcoming album. I want you there with me. Maybe you can take the photos yourself, show me what you got."

You swallow hard at the thought of a big project on your FIRST DAY. 

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course. I have faith in you."

"Thanks, but shouldn't I be watching you at the sidelines first?"

"Are you not confident?"

"It's not that...but..."

He reaches out his hand across the table and lays it on yours. "I'll be there. I'll be guiding you. Besides, there would be times I won't be around and I'd be leaving you with this kind of work."

"Ok. Who are the artists anyway?"


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