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Warning: XXX


JB knocks at your door three hours later. "Bel, we're going." He says in a low voice.

"Ok. Make sure you clean up before leaving," you're too sleepy to get up and see them off. Besides, you still don't have the courage to face Mark with a straight face. 

The noise outside your room fades and you hear the door click close. "Finally," you tell yourself. 

Another two hours in bed and you're up. The sun is setting outside and you look at the orange sky. 

"What to do, what to do." You tell yourself as you get out of the room and into the living room. Smoke comes out of your ears and nose as you see the mess of the boys still scattered all over the house. 

"Damn it, YOU." You shout. As you pick up the empty boxes of food and crumpled cans of soda, you think of what transpired earlier. You stomp your feet in annoyance, more to yourself. "Why the hell did I do that?" 

From the kitchen, you hear the clicking of the keys on your door. You wonder who it could be, nobody knows your code, even your brother. The door swings open and guess who it is. MARK.

"How the heck do you know my code?" You shout at him.

"Sorry, I saw you keying it in the last time." 

"Damn it, Mark. Why are you here anyway?" You continue washing the dishes at the sink. 

He goes up the steps to the kitchen and wraps his arms around your waist. "To finish what we've started, baby." His lips graze your nape and you shiver.

Mark is really killing you now. Just when you thought he'd be out of your back the rest of the day, he decides to return.

"Shit, Mark Tuan. Can you not?" You elbow him away, "can't you see I'm busy cleaning up the mess you guys left?"

"I'd do that later. Leave it there." He reaches from behind and gets the cup you are holding and drops it on the sink. He turns you around so you could face him. 

Your heart clobbers on your chest, for the third time today, as he pulls you closer to him and your body touches. The look on his eyes hypnotizing you as you try to tell yourself not to give in to his temptation. But, you are defenseless against him. You become vulnerable when he's around and you melt to his gaze. 

He unties the apron behind your back and pulls it away. His lips are not touching yours, yet your face is already heating up. He carries you down to the living room with your arms around his neck and sits you on the sofa. 

With your head leaning on the back rest and your arms still around his neck, he finally kisses you. Like a hungry wolf, he moves his lips with yours. His tongue wildly twirls around your tongue and you feel that sensation again. You pull him closer. 

"What the heck!" You tell yourself, embracing the feeling of him on top of you. 

He pulls off his shirt in one swift movement and you do the same with yours, exposing your throbbing breasts. Your hard nipples are traced on your flimsy bra. And he takes that off. His hands playfully caress your bumps and his tongue glides down to your neck. 

"You smell so good," he whispers as he takes a deep breath just below your ear. 

Electricity spikes up as he nibbles on your pink tits. Your hand goes to his back, leaving nail marks as you clasp at his hard muscles. His hand goes down to the hem of your shorts and yanks them down. 

His warm hand heats up your sex as he playfully rubs on your panties, making you wet. 

You push him to your side. He is now sitting and you're on top of him. You slowly move down to the floor, unbuckling his belt. He unbuttons his jeans and you pull them down. You can see his erection under his boxers and you remove that, too. 

You place your hands on both his sides and you kiss him, his arms go around you, pulling you close. Instead, you move down, licking his neck, nibbling on his collarbone as he lets out a gasp. You move lower to his chest, sucking on every part of the skin you touch with your lips. Your hand goes to his erection and you teasingly play with it as you continue your tongue to his nipples. 

"Isabel," he calls out as you push your tongue down to his abs. You leave heat traces of your breath on his belly and suck on his hipbone, making him moan louder. 

Your lips find its way to his erection and you lick it from bottom to tip, he pushes his hips forward, asking you to take him. Not yet. You skillfully tease the tip, swirling your tongue over it while your hand caresses his balls. 

"Fuck, baby," he's gritting his teeth to muffle his sound.

It's your turn to smirk. You can feel him throbbing beneath your hand and you know he's ready for you. 

You slowly open your mouth, suck at the tip and inch his wholeness into your mouth. Your tongue moving from side to side as his dick enters your mouth. He pushes forward gently and groans. His hands are tugging softly at your hair while you let him in and out of your mouth. Gently at first, then you make it faster. 

"I can't take this anymore," he picks you up from the floor and let you straddle him on his lap, ripping off the only clothing you have on. 

Your lips find his and he positions you on top of him. He enters you slowly and you arch your back as he pushes his hips forward. You slowly move your hips as he sucks on your nipples. 

"I miss you," his words hit a soft spot in you and you kiss him, deep and longing. 

"I miss you, too, Mark." You finally say. 

The rhythm of your bodies moving against each other makes both of you desire each other more. He clasps your hips and make you move faster. Your arms around his head, his arm around your waist. 

"I'm coming," he says under his breath and you move up and down faster. You feel your volcano about to erupt and you come at the same time. 

He's sprawled on the sofa and you on top of him. Your head resting on his hard chest while his arm around your tired body. His other hand strokes your hair as you both catch your breath. 

"You were awesome, baby," he kisses the top of your head and you feel your cheeks burn. You just slap his chest and he chuckles. 

You want to stay like this longer. You lay your arm across his stomach and close your eyes. You feel his stomach grumbling and you giggle. 

"Sorry, that made me hungry." And you both laugh. 

You get up, grabbed his shirt and put it on. 

"Hey, what am I gonna wear?" he complains but he was cackling. 

You go to your room, get an oversized shirt, take off his and put on the one you just got out from the closet. 

"I'll make dinner, you clean up," you order him, tossing his shirt to him.

"Yes, ma'am," he says. 

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