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The six-hour drive from Seoul to Busan was tiring. Stopping only for breakfast and lunch, you take turns driving for the other to rest. 

Reno tries to entertain you by singing some of the songs on the radio, and you find yourself singing along with him. He's fun to be with, always very accommodating and thoughtful. You look at him from the passenger seat and think he really would be a fine boyfriend. 

JB welcomes you when you park in front of a two story cottage. They've rented the whole villa just for this occasion.  

"Sis," he hugs you and shakes Reno's hand. "I'm glad you could make it." Then he stops you before you could even enter. "I have to warn you before you get it in," he looks a bit worried, and you get nervous all of a sudden. 

"What is it?" You eye him suspiciously. 

"You see, when the TV station knew we were coming on a vacation, they...uh....wanted to film our day off and the company agreed. So, there would be a lot of cameras inside." He grins.

"Shit, Oppa. Why didn't you tell me?" The public doesn't really know you even if your brother is very famous. 

"Sorry. One more thing," what again? "WGM is here, too." 

What? So, Mark's here with his 'wife'? How bad could this get? 

You try to hide your disappointment. You take Reno's hand and you enter hell. 

The living room on the first floor is very spacious. A wide kitchen and dining room fills the back part. There are two rooms down and three wide bedrooms upstairs. 

Five boys and four others with cameras welcome you as you enter the house. Your face goes red as the cameras turn your way. You're not used to this, it's making you nervous. You don't know what to do and how to act. 

Seeing your discomfort, JB puts his arm around you and says, "don't worry. They won't be bothering you that much. I've already told them to leave you alone."

The cameras turn to the boys again as they approach you to give you a hug and greet Reno.

Mark is nowhere to be found, much to your relief. 

As if reading your mind, Junior says, "Mark and Jane are filming by the beach for WGM. They'd be coming back soon." 

You just smile and nod. Good, you wouldn't know how to face him with his wife.

JB shows you the room you'd be staying in. It's at the second floor, just across the room where Mark and his 'wife' are staying. 

"I didn't know you were taking Reno with you, but I guess he can sleep with the other boys. I'll just sleep on the sofa out here." He says pointing at the sofa near the window. 

"No, that's fine," Reno says shyly. "I'll sleep here outside."

"Why can't you just sleep together?" Bambam jokes, earning a glare from you.

"No," JB shouts at him and he shuts up. 

Reno insists on sleeping on the sofa and JB lets him. 

As you and Reno unpack your things in the room, you hear noise downstairs. Mark and Jane must be back from their filming at the beach. It's a bit chaotic since there are two groups of station crew fixing up their equipment in the living room.

"Sorry about this," you tell Reno. He's also not very comfortable in front of the rolling cameras. 

"It's not so bad," he says grinning, "we're finally gonna be on TV." He chuckles.

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