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It is already noon when Min and you decide to get out of bed. Because of hangover, you're not in a condition to cook anything, so you order take out. Min jumps from the sofa when she hears the doorbell thirty minutes after you called. 

"Why so many food, Princess?" Reno comes in the door with the take out but stops when he sees an unfamiliar girl in front of him. "Uhm..." he looks at the number at the door then looks at Min again. 

Min looks up at the tall man towering over her with a questioning look. 

"Reno," you stand up from the sofa and take the plastic bag from him. "Reno, this is Min. She's a friend from back home," you point at the frozen girl, "Min," you elbow her and she finally smiles, "this is Reno." 

Reno beams at her and shakes her hand. He then kisses you on the forehead which makes Min raise one eyebrow. 

"What?" you mouth at her.

"You didn't tell me you had company," Reno says following you in the kitchen as you take out the food from the bag. 

Min comes in, too. "I just came yesterday. Unplanned. Anyway, Reno-oppa?" 

You giggle at that. 

But she continues, "how long have you been together?" Min is really straight forward. She asks what she wants.

Reno scratches the back of his head, "Uhm...actually, she works for me."

"He's your boss?" Like he wasn't there, Min shouts.

"Well," Reno has his arm around your waist, "we've only been going out for a week, though." 

"I see," Min continues to stare at him, making Reno blush. 

You change the subject, "How was your trip?" You ask him. 

"Wonderful. We got another big client," he says helping you put the plates on the table. 

Over lunch, Min couldn't stop talking about her party experience last night. 

"The first club was better", she was saying, "but then this girl..." 

You know what she was gonna say. You signal her to stop but she isn't looking. 

"out of the blue, slaps her. That bitch had it..."

"Wait," Reno heard her. "Who slapped you?" He faces you and you close your eyes wishing you've put a tape over your friend's mouth. 

"Nobody," you look down at the food on your plate. 

"She even called her a whore," Min continues with her wide mouth. 

"Bel," Reno looks serious now, "who was it?" He turns your chair so you're facing him. 

Min finally notices the tension. "It was just a drunk girl." Then she continues with her story of how we got so drunk until we came back to the house. 

Reno doesn't push the subject. 

After a lot of stories told, Reno kisses you goodbye. 

"See you tomorrow, sweetie. Nice meeting you, Min." 

"Same here, Reno."

"Shit girl, he's HOT!" Min says after Reno takes his leave. "But..."

"But, what?"

"Are you serious about him?"

"We're just dating, Min."

"I know. But, you don't look like you like him that much."

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