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You wake up vaguely remembering what happened last night. You look to the empty spot beside you and you sigh, realizing it was just a dream. 

Your stomach starts to grumble as you walk out the room. The aroma from the kitchen makes you wonder who's in your house. 

"Fuck, Mark. Shit...you startled me," you jump to where you are standing as you see Mark setting the table in your kitchen. 

"Good morning to you, too," he smiles and looks you up and down. "You damn look sexy in the morning." 

The oversized shirt you have on falls just in the middle of your thighs....and you're not wearing any underwear. You ignore him ogling you. 

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" your footsteps stop just at the end of the table. You're not used to waking up with a man in your kitchen after having sex with him at night. It's either you both go home after fucking or you wake up to an empty bed in the morning. 

Mark glides in front of you and puts his arms around your waist. "Making you breakfast, baby," he kisses your forehead and goes back to the drawers to get some spoons. 

"Mark, no. You don't just cook breakfast in someone else's home." You stride the room to where he is. "Just go, Mark."

"I'm hungry," he grabs your shoulder and walk you to a seat at the table. "Here, I whipped up bacon and eggs." 

The clock chimes seven and you know you need to be in the studio by nine. You don't have time to argue with him. The bacon and eggs taste salty...but good enough. 

"Hey...look. Last night was just ... it just happened, ok? There's nothing to it." You start saying. 

Ding dong! The doorbell goes off and you run to look through the peephole. 

"Shit," you signal at Mark, "JB!" Why does he suddenly show up at the wrong time?

Mark chuckles and continues with his food. 

"Damn it," you curse under your breath. 

"Bel," JB steps in the apartment as soon as you open the door and gives you a bear hug. 

"Oppa, what are you doing here so early?"

"I just came to check on you. Dad called and asked me to tell you to call him." He walks to the kitchen and his eyes grow bigger at the sight of Mark putting bacon in his mouth. 

"Good morning, JB," Mark says without looking up. 

"What?" JB looks at Mark then at you. Seeing you only got a t-shirt on, his mouth drops to the floor. "You..." he points at you then at Mark.

"No...of course not," you run to his side and let him sit at the spot at the table you just left. "I cooked plenty," you look at Mark's sneering face and you feel like kicking the smile off his face, "have some."

"What the heck are you doing here, Mark? You didn't go home last night." He questions Mark suspiciously. 

"He just..." you think of a good reason fast, "he just came to get his jacket. He left it the last time you came here." You run to the room and look for the jacket Mark placed on the chair in front of your vanity. 

JB seems to buy it. "Where'd you go last night?" 

You get a plate and sit on the chair across Mark. 

"Just fucked some girl," Mark chuckles and throws a glance your way. 

Shit this guy. You would sure love to ram the plate on his face. 

"Damn it, Bel. Go wear pants. How many times do I have to tell you." JB shouts beside you. "So who's the girl?" He looks at Mark, seeming interested. 

"Just...some girl."

You stand up from your seat as soon as you finish the food on your plate. "Guys, I need to get ready for work. Feel free to leave after you clean up." You go straight to the bathroom and shower. 

When you come out of your room all dressed up for work, the two are still in the living room. 

"Let me drive you," Mark stands up and takes his jacket. 

"I'll just stay here for awhile...need a short nap," JB sprawls himself on the sofa. 

"What the heck, Mark," you face him when you reach his car. 

"What? I'm just driving you to work." He unlocks the car and opens the passenger for you. 

"Why are you driving me to work?" You ask him as he drives out to the main street. 

"Because I want to."


"Why do you ask so many questions?"

You stare at him and he knows you're serious.

"Ok...Bel, I want you. I want you like I've never wanted anyone before. I don't know why, but I can't get you out of my mind. I want this relationship to work." 

"Relationship? Wait...Mark...there is no relationship. We just had sex...you've only known me for what...a week?"

You can't believe what you're hearing. This isn't possible. Mark just wants your body...that's it. Don't even think that he really WANTS you...like LIKES you. All guys are the same. They just want sex. They are too stupid to realize that the LOVE they are thinking is not really love at all but just pure LUST.

"What's wrong with being in a relationship?"

"I don't believe in it."

"Why not?"

"Just drive, Mark."

The car suddenly pulls over at the shoulder. Mark faces you with eyes penetrating your system. 

"Why not, Bel?"

"Because," you yell, "they don't last. OK? They never do. Love? It doesn't exist." 

His eyes search yours quietly. You roll your eyes and look out the window. 

"I'm gonna be late, Mark."

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