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You choke on the juice you were sipping and you start coughing.

"Are you ok?" Reno's concerned face moves closer. He reaches over the table for tissue and hands them to you. 

"Yeah....I'm sorry." You wipe of the orange liquid on your lips. "Did you just say GOT7?"

"You know them?"

"My stepbrother is a part of that group," you say, not mentioning you slept with one of the members, too.

"Perfect, it wouldn't be too hard then." 

I wish!


There's a couple that came in the studio and Reno asks you to do the shoot. 

"It seems like you've been doing this for a long time," he compliments you and your heart races at the thought that you impressed your boss on your very first day. 

You study the pictures you've just taken and feel pleased at what you see. The couple seems happy of the outcome as well. 

"Bel, I need to meet somebody for lunch. You're okay here, right?" He puts on his leather jacket and fixes his tie, "The crew would be coming in at one, GOT7 at two. I'll be back." 

"Ok. Thanks."

You get more and more nervous as the time you would be seeing Mark again nears. "Why do I have to worry? What do I need to be nervous about? I've already told him it was nothing. But, why does my insides churn at the thought of seeing him again?" You ask yourself questions after questions.

"Bel?" You turn around and you see Se-hee peeping at the door. 


"Would you wanna join me for lunch?"

You look at the time and it's already twelve, but you don't feel hungry. There are these butterflies in your stomach that won't seem to go away. 

"No, thanks. I still need to do some stuff." You reason. 


You stand up and head to your office, lean your head on the table and start thinking. 

"Damn it. Why does it have to be them on my first day. Shit...."

You open your laptop and check the email Reno sent you regarding the concept for the album. 

"Miss? Excuse me?" Two men stand on your doorway. 

"Yes?" You look at the time and realize you've been in the room for an hour. "Oh...yeah..." You stand up and lead them to the studio. "You can start setting up now." They listen to your instructions and begin with their work. 

"Is everything going well?" Se-hee comes in the studio handing you a cup of ice cold coffee. "I think you might need this."

"Thank you," you take a sip. "Yeah...I guess we're on time."

"If you need help, you know where to find me," she pats you on your shoulder and goes back behind the reception table outside. 

"You didn't tell me this is where you work," JB comes from behind you and startles you making the coffee spill on your shirt. 

"Shit, Oppa! Look what you made me do." You try to wipe off the wet spot, but it's coffee.....

"Here," a familiar hand hands you a hankie.

"Thanks." You take it but don't look up knowing full well who that hand belongs to. 

"Noona..." The rest of the group comes in and gives you a hug, making you spill more of the coffee on the floor. 

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