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The police come in as soon as they heard you're already conscious. They ask questions after questions about the incident and you feel yourself getting tired of it. 

You feel stupid, embarrassed for what happened. You try to look at it in a different way, but you still end up blaming yourself. 

"You're lucky your brother and his friends were there." The police reminds you, much to your annoyance. "If not, you would be found dead somewhere." 

"I know," you want to shout at him, but stop yourself. Tears just keep on flowing down your eyes. 

"Just sign these papers so we could officially file the complaint and we're off." 

How could this police be so insensitive.

JB talks to them about not releasing it to the press before they left. 

"Oppa," you reach out your hand to JB when the police left, "I'm sorry....and thank you." You've put your brother in a difficult spot and the guilt you feel is eating you up. 

"It's not your fault, sis. Are you feeling better?" His warm hands on yours give you a little comfort. 

"If it wasn't for my stupidity, this wouldn't have happened." 

He looks at the other boys in the room and signal them to go out. Once it's just the both of you in the room, he sits on the bed and faces you. 

"Sis," his tone is serious, "tell me the truth. Is this the first time this ever happened to you?"

You know what he means. This was your life back in Australia after breaking up with Michael. You went to clubs, pick up a guy, have sex and leave. Fortunately, the four guys you've slept with were not like Tom. 

You nod.

He heaves a sigh of relief. "Don't you ever, ever make me worry like this again. You get it?" 

You nod again. 

"Good thing Mark followed you out. If not..Ugh...Fuck...I can't even imagine what that jackass could've done to you." He's clenching his teeth and you start sobbing again. 

"I'm sorry." 

"I'm not gonna tell mom and dad about this, but you have to promise me, no more one night stands."

"I promise." 

There was a knock on the door and Jackson's head peeped in. "You have a visitor," he whispers. 

JB nods for him to let the person in. Jackson slowly opens the door and a worried Reno comes in. 

"Are you ok, Bel?" He runs to your side after seeing your bandaged head. "Oh my God, what happened to you?" He slowly takes your hand and caresses your cheek. "What the fuck did that guy do to you?" 

"I'm ok, Reno. How'd you know I was here?" 

"JB called the office and told Se-hee you're sick. I got worried so I called him."

You narrow your eyes at JB who just shrugs. 

"Uhm...I didn't know what to bring so I just got flowers." He hands you a bouquet of pink tulips. "I hope this would cheer you up. I don't know what flowers you like...so..." 

"They're beautiful. Thank you." Mark's eyebrows shoot up as you give Reno a weak smile. 

Reno receives a call from Se-hee saying he's needed in the studio. He kisses your forehead and gets on his way, leaving the seven guys gaping at you. 

"What?" You ask them. 

"Is he? Are you?" JB asks.

"NO, of course not. He's just...well...being a caring boss."

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