Chapter 5: New Girl New Him.

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Forced to be Married
Chapter 5

Gosh, the lady at the check out station was really rude. Wonder why so sour? Walking out into the parking lot, I noticed a lady walking out of a restaurant near by. She looked even more sour than the cashier.

Continuing to walk back to my car, I saw Namjoon. Wait! What the heck? Is he. . .no! "He's on a date?" I whispered to myself, processing everything that happened over the passed day.

Getting to my car, I decided not to watch them. After I put the bags in the trunk I managed to sneak the cart over to the cart rack. I barely know him but still. I'm suppose to marry him.

Continuing to watch them, they seemed to be in a pretty serious argument. Namjoon just then pulled her into his arms. The tears and anger that seemed to be consuming her seemed to vanish. Who is she to him? Feeling eyes on me, I quickly turned away heading to my car. Time to go home or maybe. . .

What am I doing! Eating and watching chick flicks. Yeah, that was a great idea! See, they had a deal on the best street food in town. I just couldn't resist. Munching down on the stress free food, the front door slammed shut. Well looks like he's home! Just great. Alright evening is ruining.

"I smell food!" He exclaimed, hearing his sneaky footsteps make his way to were I was.

"Well it's not yours." I said sarcastically staring at the TV. "Starve."

He walked in after that and looked at me. "What are you doing?."

"Eating my birthday dinner. Now leave." I sighed, finally looking at him. Ugh, why.

"Alone?" He questioned, trying to take my takeout before I slapped his hand away.

"It my special tradition. If you have a problem your are welcome to leave." I told him stuffing my face.

"I don't think I should leave you alone, you might get food coma." He tease, picking up a box and some chopsticks. He wouldn't!

"Don't you dare!" I yelled, seeing him slowly start eating.

"This is delicious." He said, stuffing his face with my food!

"That's it!" I said, pausing my show before running after him. No one steals my food. I chased Namjoon around the house till I finally cornered him into a bathroom. "Give it."

"Fine here." He said handing me the box. Opening it, I saw nothing but the bottom of the box.

"Namjoon!" I yelled, walking away trying to get away from him. Going back to the living room I restarted my show. Soon after that I fell asleep, but falling asleep was a mistake in my book.

(Morning 6:00 am)

Feeling a beam of sunlight hit my face I shot up. Oh, no! The meeting with the couple counselor was today. Looking at the clock I sighed, it was just five minutes passed 6:00am. Might as well get up.

Removing my blanket from myself, the cold air from the night seeped to my skin. The chilled air made me get goose bumps. Why wasn't the heat on? It is almost fall. Walking over to the wall I turned on the heat a little. "It's August 16, why does it have to be so cold!"

Once that was done, I decided to take a quick shower. Tiptoeing upstairs, I looked over at the bedroom door. All I have to do is get my clothes. Peeking in I saw him laying on the bed, sleeping. Good, he's out, I thought.

Walking over to get my clothes I sighed, maybe I should wake him up? Just with my luck his phone went off. Quickly dashing to grab it I turned it off. That was close! He must be a really heavy sleeper to sleep through that. Looking back down at the phone I saw it was a text message, but not just any text message. It was from her. . .

To: Namjoon

Hey babe, I can wait till I can come over and see your new house! Maybe, one day I can move in. Lol it's just a thought. Anyways, I'm going to be stopping by around 10 hope you don't mind. That's all, love you lots.

- Jazzy.

Freezing in my tracks I heard Namjoon wake up. My heart was exploding with emotions. I mean who does that! He never said anything about a girlfriend. "Hey. What are you doing up so early." He asked, making me continue my walk over to find some clothes.

"Well you should know. Oh, wait you wouldn't because your to busy inviting your girlfriend over." I said starting to get angry a little.

"What, my girlfriend! How did you. .? " I questioned, before I tied the phone in his hand.

"Yeah, you lied." I remarked, grabbing my clothes. "Get ready. The couple counselor will be here at 9:00am."

"Couples counselor?" He questioned, before I shut the door on him, going to take a shower.

Feeling refreshed I walked into the kitchen starting up the coffee maker . Deciding to have a good breakfast, I made oatmeal with some fruit. As soon as I was done Namjoon walked down, dressed decant. The smell of his cologne over powered the entire kitchen. It did smell good though.

"Glad to see someone's looks decent today." I commented, seeing him take a seat in the chair opposite from me.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing here just eat." I said handing him a bowl as well. At first he stared at it before slowly taking a bite.

"This is good." He told me, as I nodded. I know I made it.

"Now tell me, are you seriously going to continue on dating her." I stared up the argument.

"Well I like her, and why are you asking anyways."

"Are parents will kill us if your dating another girl. Besides did you not read the contract!" I yelled, standing up and handing him the contract that was in my purse. "See!"

"So. . . They can't control us!" He outraged, getting up.

"But they can. . . " I sighed, slowly eating my oatmeal again.

"What do we do?" He said turning towards me.

"Fake it, I'm guessing your pretty good at that." I sassed, recalling that stunt he pulled with our parents.

"Then what?!"

"I don't know! It's not my problem your stuck in this arrangement with me!" I yelled, getting up to face him.

"This is all your fault!" He yelled, pointing a finger at me.

"My fault! How? Your the one who has a girlfriend."

"Yeah, well your the one who has a father who likes to make deals even with his own daughter." He said, making my heart break.

"I can't help that." I said softly looking down.

"Miok, I didn't." He started to regret feeling him place a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't know, okay?" I told him, walking away with tears falling down my face till I felt someone pull my hand back.

"I'm sorry." He said, felling him pull me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest taking in his comfort till.

"I'm sorry for being a burden to your perfect life." I cried, feeling him draw small circles on my back to calm me down.

"Your not a burden. We're going to get through this. We didn't ask for this. No one did." He whispered to dme, seeing that it was almost eight o'clock.

"We should probably clean up." I told him as he released me from our hug. After I went into the kitchen to clean up. I never thought he would be like this. He's not that bad. I just hope I don't fall for the guy I was forced to be married with. But I know there is something already there.

(A/N): Hey! Sorry for all the spelling errors. I hope you are all enjoying it so far. Update as soon as I can. Love all my readers!:)

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