Chapter 29: Smart Ass

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(A/N): Another quick update! Lol I'm on a roll writing! Thanks again for all your support on this story. Also, I couldn't pick the gender of the baby either so you'll see what I went with. . . Please no hate. Love ya!

Forced To Be Married
Chapter 29

(Two months later. . . . 26 weeks)

"What did you want again?" Namjoon asked me as we were strolling up and down the isles of the grocery store.

"I told you. . . Barbecue sauce." I told him waking along side him as he pushed the cart. Checking my list we walked down the sauce isle. *There is is!* "We also need cereal."

"Cereal. . . Gotcha." Namjoon said walking down the isle. Walking over to him with the box of pop tarts in my hand, I smiled. *Family shopping day.*

Trying to toss them in the cart I missed. "Miok, I got it." Namjoon said, bending down to retrieve it.

"Thanks." I smiled, continuing on with our shopping. After we were done, we quickly checked out. "We have a doctors appointment today." I reminded Namjoon as we walked to his truck.

"We do?" He questioned, just as a paparazzi came out of no where.

"This is Todd Reed, from Music today. Namjoon a baby on the way?" The reporter questioned, just as Namjoon took my hand in his. "Any idea on what you're having?"

"No comment." Namjoom said glaring over at the man who continued to follow us. "Miok, get in the truck."

"Does the rest of BTS know?" He asked, as I watched Namjoon place the grocery in the back.

"Please we have to get going." He told the reporter.

"Namjoon can you tell us this. Does Big Hit know?" The reporter said, making Namjoon tense up. Seeing him get in the truck, he looked over at me.

"Your okay, right?" He asked me, as I buckled up.

"Yeah, and how about you?" I questioned, as we drove out of there.

"I'm good," he said looking as we were at a stoplight. Feeling Namjoon place a hand on my stomach, I smiled up at him.

"Time to check on our baby!" I exclaimed as he shook his head.

"You've grown a lot. You know?" Namjoon commented, making me notice it too.

"He or she is just a big baby." I smiled, lacing my hand with Namjoon's after taking his off my stomach.

"We'll see. . . " he smirked, as I tried to get comfortable for the drive to the doctors. Watching Namjoon park the truck we went into the waiting room. Sitting down Namjoon checked me in.

"How far along are you?" A young lady sitting across from me asked.

"26 weeks. How about you." I asked her, seeing she was a little smaller than me. *Well I must of packed on the baby weight.*

"28 weeks." She smiled, "You must be having twins."

"Twins?" I murmured as Namjoon sat down next to me. Seeing the lady leave for her checkup, Namjoon grabbed my hand.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asked me.

"I told you I'm fine. I'm just thinking. . . "

"About what?" He asked.

"Double trouble?!" I whispered, just as the nurse called my name.

"Mrs. Miok Kim." She called, as Namjoon helped me up. Walking back to the area, I laid down in the chair.

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