Chapter 2: His Parents?

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"Hello Mrs. Wu, I'm Mr.Kim." *Great. . . it's his dad!*

"Hello Mr. Kim, what a pleasure it is to meet you." I said, seeing him take a seat on the couch opposite of the one me and Namjoon were sitting on. *Got to suck up to the parents. Am I right?*

"The pleasure is all ours dear. We just want Namjoon to have to perfect wife." His mom said making me smile at her. *Perfect? Far from it!*

Namjoon took my hand in his again, rubbing the back of my plum to make me relax more. I looked at him and he smiled down at me before his father spoke up.

"Hmm. Now tell me, you both seem okay with the arranged marriage?" He asked, holding the hands of his wife while talking.

"Appa, we. . . " Namjoon started to say before I cut him off.

"I feel that with the 6 month given we will learn to love and accept each other more." I told them, getting a slight glare from Namjoon but it wasn't anything serious. *Impressed, I think Yes!"

"Very well said. And I must say you both look so good together. Where's my Camara?" His mom said, getting up to go find it.

Mr. Kim shook his head, then stared at the both of us. *whats with his mom! She's like my mom. Oh gosh!* "She always does this "Save the moment" type of ordeal."

"My mom would of probably have done the same thing." I said honestly, picturing the moment.

"Appa, are we staying for lunch or. . . ?" Namjoon said, letting go of my hand and standing up to stretch. Once he stood up his mom came back.

"Why don't you take her out to eat? Her father told me it was her Birthday after all." His father announced, seeing that I smiled wide.

"Alright young lady stand up next to Namjoon." His mom ordered, seeing that Namjoon laid his hand out for me. Once I took it he helped me up, making me look into his eyes at the same time. *Those eyes. . . What am I saying!*

Standing by him for the picture he snaked his hand around my waist. I on the other hand turned sideways so I could place my hand on his stomach. *whoa, work out much?*

"Okay you two, hold it right there!" His mother exclaimed taking the picture. After she took it, she walked over to show us.

"Don't you two look great together! Oh, I can't wait to see the wedding photos now!" She said, showing the picture to her husband while Namjoon decided to go to the bathroom. *We did look like a couple?*

"Hey I'll be right back?" He whispered into your ear.

"What? No! You can't leave me?!" You whispered while arguing. *Wow! Way to put your future wife in the spotlight.*

"You'll be fine." He said letting go of my hand. I glared at him as he walked away. *jerk!*

"Miok, hun, tell me about yourself?" His mom asked. *And the questions begin.*

"Okay, well, I'm 18 as of today, I live with my parents. I'm the only child, graduated High School with acceptable grades." I started till she stopped me.

"Namjoon is also very smart, glad to see your both very intelligent." She said. *I said acceptable which doesn't mean all A's*

"What do you think about my son, I know you just met him, but just tell me what you think?" Mr. Kim said, making my heart start to race faster than it already has. *I barely know him!*

"Umm, I think he's a very nice guy. He's handsome and as you said smart." I answered, shifting in my position.

"So after the wedding are you planning on settling down together?" He asked. *Hold up! What did he just say?*

"Come again?" I questioned.

"You know settle down as in maybe start a family."

"Oh, yes, Grand babies!" His mother exclaimed just as Namjoon walked back in. *Took you long enough.*

"Well I. . ."

"Appa, Eomma, we can talk about this some other time but for now, I'm taking her out for lunch." Namjoon said grabbing my hand and walking towards the door. *Saving me now?*

"Bye now, and make sure you treat her right Namjoon." His father said, as we both walked out the door.

"Nice parents." I told him, seeing him open the door for me.

"To pushy?"

"No, not at all, they just really want grandchildren." I laughed, making him note the sarcasm. He walked around to the other side of the car and got in.

"That's not going to happen anytime soon." Namjoon murmured, turning on the car. We pull out of the drive way and we were silent for a bit.

I looked over at him while he was driving. He was a K-Pop star, and he was getting married to me. *Who would of thought* I knew his band, they were good, really good.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, seeing that he made a left turn.

"Anywhere you'd like."

"Why do I have to pick?" I asked, crossing my arms in the seat. *Putting the pressure on me now.*

"Because your the passenger of this car and I'm driving."

"Shouldn't the driver decided?"

"Nope, you pick." He said, driving around by the three closest restaurants in the area.

"Ugh, fine. . . Let's see. . I like that one." I said pointing over to the restaurant of my choosing. RapMon looked over and smiled.

"The Garden Buffet." (Note: Made up Restaurant.) He said, pulling into the parking lot as you both stepped out.

"Yeah my parent use to take me here as a family outing. They have a wonderful menu. I think you'll like it." I told him, seeing him walk up to me.

"Alright, led the way than." He said smiling down at you as you both enter the buffet.

(A/N): Hey Readers! Just want to say that I'm so sorry for making you all wait. I'll update as soon as I can so hang in there. Hopefully you liked this chapter. Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors. Thanks.

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