Chapter 22: The Night Before

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(A/N): Holy guacamole a whole 20K! I am extremely thankful for all of you who read this story to this point! This is a longer chapter. I'm sorry if it is just a recap towards the end, but I made it as entertaining as I could. Thanks again!

Forced To Be Married
Chapter 22

(A few weeks later. The night before the wedding)

It's crazy to think that tomorrow is the day! The day I will no longer be Ms. Wu Miok. Smiling down at all the cards people have sent me from out of town. *People really don't write a whole lot.* Looking up at the TV in the living room, Namjoon was flipping through channels.

"Breaking news. . ." The new anchor said right as Namjoon changed the channel.

"Hey! Turn it back!" I yelled, seeing him do so.

"Today we have news that Mr. Nado James. The CEO of . . . has been officially found. Reports say an imposter was taking the name of Mr.Nado after locking him up in his his underground storage room." The lady said, as I stared over at Namjoon. *So wait? Does this mean what I think it means.*

"The imposter of the whole act was. . . an escape convict who was in jail for identity theft." A man said, as they took footage of where the imposter was found. "He's Dale for more of the story."

"In the world of business only three big names really stand out here. Mr. Nado, however, a 63 year old man, was forced by gun to hide in a food storage unit under his home. Luckily for him, he was found two weeks later by his security team, when the copy cat failed to stay with the real Mr.Nado's schedule. The imposter of this incident will be locked back behind bars today for multiple accounts. Police say that have also found multiple deals or contracts that are fake." Dale said, making me jump up from where I was sitting. "To anyone who has made deals or contracts in the last two weeks, they will be discarded immediately."

Namjoon smiled as I jumped up excitement. "Miok what are you doing?" He asked, seeing me dancing in excitement.

"I'm too happy to sit still." I told him as he laughed at me. "Namjoon do you know what this means." I exclaimed, plopping down on the couch next to him.

"What?" He laughed, seeing he clearly knew what this meant.

"We get to have a family, now." I smiled at him. Namjoon quickly wrapped me in his arms, smiling down at me.

"Maybe in a few years." He laughed, "but for now let's just have it be you and me."

"I like that idea." I smile just as Namjoon slowly pecked lips.

"You will officially be mine tomorrow." He whispered, feeling his cold hand cress my face.

"It appears so. . . " I smirked, bringing his lips back to mine. Not wanting him to pull away he smoothly got up. *Mentally frowning.*

Seeing Namjoon walk up stairs I went back to opening cards. *Ooo Money!* A little while later Namjoon reappeared beside the front door with a duffle bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, making my way over.

"It's bad luck to see each other on the wedding day till the wedding." He told me, as I nodded. *Its gonna feel weird with out him tonight.* "I'll see you tomorrow though." He smiled, as I looked up into his brown eyes.

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