Chapter 6: Counseling

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(A/N): Hey everyone! Just want to say a big thanks to all who have supported this story! I must say sorry though for not updating in like forever. I know you must all be excited to read this chapter so here it is!

Forced to be Married
Chapter 6

*Knock, knock, knock*

Shoot! She's already here? But it's only 8:30. Oh wait, my bad its 8:56am. Still I got four minutes she can wait. "Namjoon! Hurry up she's here!" I yelled, seeing him run down the stair to the door which I was staring at.

"Act." He winked seeing how he took my hand in his. I soon tensed up after that, just as he opened the door.

There stood an older lady that had her hair up in a bun. She wore glasses and had a clip board in hand. Smiling at us she bowed as we did the same. "My name is Mrs Woo. I will be your couple counselor for the next few months."

"Please come in," I told her as she did. Following us, we walked into the living room.

"My name is Kim Namjoon , and this is Wu Miok." He introduces us to her. She quickly wrote that down before taking a seat in the chair opposite of us.  Namjoon took my hand in his again, messing with my fingers gently. I was nervous but not as nervous as him.

"Now I'm going to start asking you both questions. All you have to do is answer them and I will watch how you both react. Now, I was informed that you just met each other yesterday so I will expect more as the sessions go on." Mrs. Woo told us as we shook are heads in response.

"So tell me. How do you both feel about this arranged marriage?" She asked, making me stare at Namjooon and then back at her.

"Well, we both feel like if this is. . . " Namjoon started making me quickly jumping in.

"Is the best thing for the wealth of our parents then I'm happy with it." I answered, squeezing Namjoon's hand. Mrs. Woo studied us and shook her head, writing this information down.

"Next question. You both seem very comfortable around each other. Are you attracted to one another. Answer honestly."

Namjoon cleared his throat looking over into my eyes. "I mean I just meet her yesterday but I believe you can tell a lot about a person by the way they present themselves. And so far, she is a classy, funny, adorable, open minded, and very beautiful lady."

I looked away from him trying hard not to blush. Did he actually say that about me? Does he really mean it? The lady smiled at me and then Namjoon.

"Now Miok, tell me. . . Do you find Namjoon attractive?" She asked, making my face turn from slight red to red. Feeling Namjoon brush a piece of hair back behind my ear I smiled.

"I look at Namjoon and see a very caring, smart, sensitive, adorable, handsome, kissable. . . Man." I responded, before realizing what I said last.

"I see? Do you both sleep in the same room?" Mrs. Woo asked, writing down our responses. I gulped and turned to Namjoon.

"Not of last night." I whispered, feeling Namjoon snake his arm around my waist.

"We want to wait for the right moment." Namjoon told her. She smiled, moving on the next question.

"Right. Where do you see each other in the next five years?" She asked just as the doorbell rang.

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