Chapter 35: Truth Be Told

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(A/N): Oh my! I really need to update earlier, it's like crazy late! But here is another chapter for you lovelies!

Forced To Be Married
Chapter 35

Namjoon's POV:

*Wake up Namjoon! You have that interview! Hurry up. . . * Forcing every bit of my body out of bed, after a grueling night of diaper changes and bottle feedings, I sat up. "Namjoon. . . " I heard the familiar voice of my mother say.

"Eomma?" I questioned seeing her rocking Haneul in hand. *How the hell did she get in the house?!*

"Oh, don't give me that look, dear. Your father and I have a key so no intruder can take these adorable babies away without setting off the alarms!" She explained, as I grabbed my clothes for the day.

"Dad's here?" I asked, making her nod while walking out of the room with Haneul. Relaxing in the shower, I soon rushed out. Putting on fresh clothes, I quickly finished up my daily routine. Miok was still out then, making me laugh at her weird sleeping position. *She's something else.*

Making my way downstairs, I saw my father in the kitchen with my daughter. "Namjoon," he said, as I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.


"You did good son. . . " he smiled, rocking Areum in his arms. My mother walked over to me then caressing my cheek in her hand.

"Oh Namjoon you look so tired." She whispered, making me yawn. Trying to keep my eyes open, I leaned up against the counter.

"It's the twins." I pointed out, started to realize what the doctors were saying at the hospital. *"You will never sleep the same again. . ." They said. . . *

"It's all a part of having kids." My father commented, taking the pacifier off the counter. Looking over at the clock, I had to get going.

"Can you watch the twins?" I questioned, seeing them already watching them. "Miok started not to feel so good around five this morning. Just let her sleep."

"Don't worry Namjoon, we were planning on staying here to watch them since we're off today." My mother told me, as I nodded.

"Good luck, son." My father said, as I looked over at the two cutest babies in the world.

"Bye. . . " I walked out, grabbing my keys and sweatshirt before exiting the house. Getting in my truck I drove to Big Hit.

"Namjoon! You're late, sit I have to fix you up." A noona scolded me, as I sluggishly sat in the chair. Next to me was Jungkook who was staring at me oddly.

"What, Jungkook?!" I asked annoyed once the noona started styling my hair.

"You look like you haven't slept in days." He commented, making me stare up at the mirror. *Jungkook was right, I looked terrible.*

"The twins have been keeping us up all night." I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

"Jimin! Give that back!" V yelled feeling my head pounding. *Shut up!*

"Hey Rapmon hyung, how's the babies?" Jin asked fixing his hair in the mirror. *Jin looks good today.*

"They are fine. . . " I told him, as the noona started on the makeup to cover up the bags under my eyes.

"Namjoon can you please sit up." She asked politely, making me do so.

"Yeah, sorry." I yawned again, making Jin yawn, soon after Jungkook yawned.
*Did you yawn?*

"We have 30 minutes." A cameraman exclaimed, making the noona's rush to get my clothing. Getting dressed, they fixed my hair and makeup once more before
Pd-nim walked in.

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