Chapter 12: I'm me & You're you

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(A/N): Hey everyone! I just want to apologize for leaving on such a bad cliff hanger! So like I promised I would upload today! And here it is the moment you all been waiting for!!!!!! Hope you like it because it only gets better from here! Love ya -JiminsJxms

Forced To Be Married
Chapter 12

"Miok, your beautiful." He smiled, as his eyes stared into mine, "Any man would be lucky to have you. I guess I never realized how much I cared about you till I saw you cry about your father. I also never would of thought you would be the type of girl I would. . ."

I looked at Namjoon as he paused and shook his head. *Whats he up too?* ". . . I would . . .what?" I whispered, seeing him let go of my hands.

"It's just . . . "He started before the door bell rang. "I'll go get that." He told me, as I followed behind him. He opened the door to reveal. . . Jazzy.

"My, my, look at you two! Am I interrupting something? Hopefully not because I have a handful of papers you both need to sign." Jazzy said, taking off her heals as we followed her into the kitchen. *You did interrupt, Namjoon telling me something important!* "This house is just gorgeous by the way, love the coloring."

"Thanks." I said, as she laid papers down on the table.

"What's all this for?" Namjoon asked her as I read the folders of each paper.

"House rights, private jet vacation agreement, wedding plans, mommy and daddy classes." I stopped reading. *Okay, since when were me and Namjoon parents.*

"Are you not telling me something?" I teased, pointing at the label on top of the folder.

"What! No. . ." He glared, handing that folder back to Jazzy. "Not now maybe in a few years."

"A few years?" I whispered to myself trying to shake that thought out of my head.

"Alright. Now if you can just sign here, here, and here. I would like to discuss the other matters at hand." She stated, as Namjoon and I carefully signed the papers before turning our attention to her. "By this time next week, you both should be engaged."

"Are you serious!" I said abruptly, looking over at Jazzy with wide eyes. Namjoon looked over at me and his smile faded. *Wonder why he's down about that. . . Unless.*

"Miok, you know what would happen if we don't." He reminded me. *Yeah, but still I just met him last week and I . . . I don't know if I'm ready yet. Heck, what am I saying. . . He's probably the only guy my father would probably approve of.*

"I know," I sighed, looking up at Jazzy who smiled at us. *Whats she smiling about?*

"Oh! Look at you two all fancy. I must of interrupted something?" She asked, making me shake my head.

"No, nothing at all. We were just getting ready to have dinner with the family." I told her, as she nodded.

"Well if everything is all set here, I should get going." She told us, standing up before gathering all the paperwork.

"Alright, have a nice evening." Namjoon told her following her out. I stayed in the kitchen and thoughts keep running in my head. *And you may now kiss the bride. . .*

"Miok? Are you okay?" Namjoon's voiced asked as it rang in my head. I looked up and started to blush. *Yeah, I'm fine just daydreaming about kissing you on our wedding day.*

"Just daydreaming that's all." I said, as he smirked.

"About us?. . ." He questioned, walking over and placing a hand on my cheek.

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