Chapter 4

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I woke up in a room with those sliding Japanese doors. I was in a futon with a bandages on my body. 'This is Urahara's shop'  Wait a minute. 

"Orihime, Tatsuki!"I yelled jolting up from my position. I felt a wave of pain over my body. Mostly on my ribs. Then I heard voices and then footsteps. The door opened to reveal a tall man with a beard. 'Seriously could Tessai get any creepier?' Then Urahara and the kids walked in. Ururu and Jinta I think. 

"So your awake" Urahara said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What happened?! Wheres Orihime and Tatsuki?!" All that I could hear was my own heartbeat and the breathing of everyone in the room.

"Tell me god dammit!" I said wincing in pain.

"Don't worry their fine, their in the other room getting some rest you should too"

"NO!" I screamed. Urahara seemed surprised. Never thought I'd see that face. He then got up and started to leave the room but stopped by the door.

" You can leave but get some rest I don't want your wounds opening up." and then he left. Typical Urahara. Trying to be mysterious.

I was walking home then passed Ichigo. I stopped in my tracks when I saw he was in his Shikaisho. 'I can see him. But how? I couldn't see the hollow. No wait yes I did before my vision faded, have  I been able to see them all along?'  That's when I heard the scream of a hollow. I was taken away from my trance. And I saw Ichigo with blood dripping down his face. But I wasn't worrying. He never dies, he always comes back.

I started walking away pretending I couldn't see him and that's when a hollow jumped in front of me. 'Why is it always me that gets into trouble' Then the hollow swung at me but I jumped away. 'That was close, too close for my liking' I heard the scream from the hollow earlier and saw Ichigo coming this way. And that's when I felt the pain in my ribs again. 'Oh no my wound opened! God dammit. I cant move. Move!' the hollow swung its claws at me again. I shut my eyes ready for death to overcome me. But it never did. I opened my eyes and saw Ichigo with Zangetsu in hand. Stopping the hollow from hurting me. I stared eyes wide questioning why he saved me. 

He killed the hollow then turned to look at me. I was still staring eyes wide. He walked up to me crouched to my height. (You are crouching down in pain.) 

"Hey are you ok?" I was still staring in amazement. 'Why am I so surprised? I've seen this before' I looked up to see Ichigo looking at me with worry in his eyes.

"Are you ok?"

"You can see me??"

"Yes but why did you save me?"

"I wasn't just going to let you die, especially after what happened at Orihime's."

"Wait, you took me to Urahara?"

"Yeah I did."

"Well thanks but I have to get home" I tried to stand up but I immediately shot back down in pain.

"Hey, I don't think you can get anywhere in the state that your in." He then picked me up bridal style.

"Wait what are you doing"

"Taking you to Urahara again." He then flash stepped to Uraharas shop.


"Oh Ichigo what brings you here?" He said while hiding his face behind his fan. 'Tut, typical'

 He saw me in Ichigo's arms.

"Oh, well I did warn you miss not to open your wounds again"

"Its not my damn fault. Its that damned hollow that attacked me!" I realized what I just said and slapped my hand against my mouth.

"Oh, well Ichigo it seems me and this lady needs a chat"

"Hey the names (Y/N)" 

"Oh yes. Please do forgive me (Y/N)" Ichigo took me to the futon I was in like 20 minutes ago. Urahara asked him to go home.

"So (Y/N), you know about hollows?"


"How exactly do you know about hollows?"

"I would ask the same about you Captain Urahara but unfortunately I already know" Urahara looked surprised again, then he frowned.

"I don't know who you are or how you know that. But please explain."

"I don't know myself. I was in my room then I was in fricking Karakura Town, met Orihime and Tatsuki then knew I couldn't save them from Orihime's own brother! It hurt, I came so close to them within a couple of hours! I didn't want to see it happen in real life but I knew I couldn't change the damned story line!"

"Story line?"

"Yeah, look don't tell anyone else what I'm about to say, you are the only one who can know, and I know how good you are at keeping stuff from people"

"Of course"



Well there you go. Sort of a cliffhanger there, but you know how you got there and what I mean, But I'm still keeping my promise to update twice a week.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Bye xx


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