Chapter 30

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I got home and saw Toshiro waiting still in his gegai.
"You need to leave."
"What?! Why?!"
"Because it has begun. I'll come and visit you but you can't come here until summoned"
"By who?"
"I don't know. Probably the head captain. But it'll be dangerous if you stay."
"If its that dangerous then I'm not leaving you here!"
"You have to!"
"Because no soul reapers can be involved!"
"Why not?! I need to stay to protect you!"
"I can take care of myself! I am more powerful than the head captain! You know I'll be fine! I know what will happen! I know when to step out! And I know when I have to help!" He was speechless at my outburst.
"Babe...I know it's difficult...but leave me here..."
"But I can't just leave you her-"
"Please. can't be involved. They'll try and kill you earlier than planned."
"When you come to the world of the'll fight the enemy...they cause Ichigo so much pain! I'll do anything to prevent it! He's been through so much already!" I was screaming at him at this point tears streaming down my eyes. What did he do? He hugged me. He let me cry on his shoulder while stroking my hair until I calmed down. I sniffledn ad I lifted my head.
"I'll do as you ask. Just please. Stay safe."
"I will. You know you can trust me. You make such a fuss then I get upset. And take it out on you. I'm sorry for that. But seeing everything happen before my eyes. The deaths. Even if they live. It breaks me..."
"Its ok...I'll do whatever you say in these situations. So you know that I trust you. And I believe in you."
"Thank you." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him. I embraced him for a while then I let go. I wiped my tears and immediately smiled.
"Anyways you should go." I kissed him passionately he wrapped his arms around my waist. My left hand in his shoulder and the other on his cheek moving down to his neck. We pulled apart as we smiled. I put my hand on his chest as his stayed on my waist.
"So...listen to me. I'll come and visit you instead of you coming here ok?"
"Sounds good" he smiled.
"Anyways you better get going. I'm going to the Kurosaki's for a movie night."
"Alright see you soon"
"See you soon" I gave him one last peck before he exited out the window. 'Can't he go out the front door?'. I grabbed my stuff and left. I walked into the Kurosaki residence without knocking. It took them almost two years to get me to go in without knocking.
"Guys? I'm home!"
"(Y/N)! How is my beautiful daughter I haven't seen you since yesterday is Toshiro taking care of yo-" I punched him into a wall.
"Shut up old man!"
"(Y/N)! How could you do that to your own father!" He was pouting. I just sighed and walked upstairs. I knocked in Ichigo's door. I heard a faint 'Come in'. I opened the door.
"Hey. I heard loads of noise downstairs. Was dad..?"
"Yeah. Don't worry I sorted it." I smiled. I place my backpack on the side of his bed as I sat down on his bed.
"So. Anything interesting happen lately?"
"Not really. Just stopped someone from stealing this man's bag."
"I'm glad you kept all the physical training you received as a soul reaper comes in handy sometimes."
"Yeah." He looked down and sighed.
"Hey...what's up?"
"Its just...I can't see them anymore. I know its been two years but I miss them." His head shot up.
"But after 16 years I finally have a normal life. That's all I ever wanted."
"But Karin. Her spiritual pressure has increased dramatically since you lost yours."
"Yeah I know. Orihime told me she was worried about her. So she though she'd let me know."
"Don't worry about anything tho. Your life will get better."
"I can trust you on that. Since you know. And I now know what you meant. Back then."
"The first day the soul reapers came to school. You ran off after the bell so I caught up then you had a rant about Aizen and how dangerous it would be if he found you. Then we talked about it."
"You are our only hope in battles. You know everything that will happen within the next two years."
"Not exactly"
"What do you mean?"
"I can't tell you yet, but I'll explain when the time is right."
"Oh yeah...I remember." I smiled.
"You remembered after all these years?"
"Yeah. But the two years you know about. You meant until now? When I turn eighteen is how far you know. Isn't it?"
"Close enough" I chuckled.
"Well...I guess yes. But there's still a lot to happen yet. I know little snippets of what'll happen in 10 years time. Like... Your child."
"I have a child?"
"Do you see it? In the future don't you want a family?"
"Well yeah. But...does he?"
"Yes. His mother had spiritual pressure also. But I can't spoil anything!"
"No Ichigo I've said to much already" I giggled.
"*sigh* alright"
"Anyways where are the girls?" I asked.
"They should be home soon." As if on cue we heard the front door open.
"Better say hi to the girls."
"Yeah. I'll be down soon anyways"
"Alright." I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.
"Hey guys! Have you chose a movie yet"
"Yeah! Were gonna watch '17 again' I love that film!"
"Aren't you bored of it? You've watched it like a zillon times!"
"Cmon Karin. Its not that bad."
"Saids you! It's a girly film."
"Well why don't we let (Y/N) decide?"
"Uhh...I'm ok with whatever" I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
"Ugh fine." Karin sat on the sofa pouting.
"Hey, how about we watch two films intead? One of Yuzu's choice and the other with your choice?"
"Yeah. That's fine" she was still pouting because if was Yuzu's choice first. The way she pouts just reminds me of when we first got here. They've grown up so much. And they're so beautiful.
"Y'know. Both if you have grown up to be beautiful young women."
"Well that came out of nowhere"
"Sorry I was just thinking of when I first came here. Your finally teenagers and I watched you two over the past couple of years. And were basically family. I'm glad I came here. Even if I do miss home." I looked to the girls who were speechless.
"Uh sorry. I get off track. Anyways let's start the film." I sat down next to Karin and smiled. Yuzu put the film on and day down next to me so I was in between the both of them.
~Le time skip~
After the films both girls were fast asleep. It was late anyways. So I picked up Yuzu and carried her to their room. And I did the same for Karin. I tucked them both in bed and turned their light off. I shut the door as quietly as possible. I walked into Ichigo's room to see him asleep on his desk. 'He's been overworking himself again' I sighed with a smile. I grabbed a small blanket and placed it over his shoulders then went back downstairs. I started cleaning and Isshin walked in.
"Hey, where did you go?"
"Nowhere in particular" I thinned my eyes at him.
"You went to see Kisuke didn't you?"
"*sigh* nothing goes past your head does it?" He chuckled.
"Nope. But the girls fell asleep so I put them to bed and Ichigo fell asleep studying so just leave him. He's needs his rest after overworking so much."
"You do so much for our family. Your such a motherly figure in this household." He complimented me. I looked to the ground.
"Well someone has to do it other than Yuzu. She's the youngest, she shouldn't hold that burden in her shoulders. After what I've been through acting like a parent to them is nothing." I looked back to Isshin.
"Anyway I should head home. It's getting late."
"Uh. Sure. But thanks for helping with anything that goes on while I can't do it myself."
"You might be childish but you have to parent sometimes also."
"I know that." He chuckled.
"But the events that will occur, will cause Ichigo to be happy once more. But it will bring him great sorrow in the end. Just be careful with his emotions."
"Thank you" I grabbed my things and started to walk over to the door.
"Oh and if you can't contact me its because I'll be with my fiancé and his friends from work." He chuckled at the way I said it.
"Alright. Just be safe"
"Will do." I said walking out the door. I went home and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Hope you have enjoyed so far. If you have any suggestions then put them in the comments but they have to go with the story line.

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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