Chapter 7

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Its been two months scince that night. That night I found my power. Its been two weeks since Rukia left and her execution date was revealed for the last time and its been five days since I refused to use my power. It was dangerous. I helped Ichigo and the others save Rukia but only just. Their after me. The don't know that im friends with Ichigo. They think I'm a threat not only to the Soul Society but to the human world also. 'I have to hide my spiritual pressure, just like Yoruichi taught me, then I wont cause any harm' The school bell rang to say it was lunch time, and I got taken away from my thoughts.

"Hey (Y/N), you coming with us today?" Orihime asked in the sweetest voice possible. We've gotten close over the past couple of months. She can tell when I'm upset or angry. And she knows just what to say to make me happy again.

"Yeah sure" I answered with a small grin plastered on my face. We both walked to the roof where all of us meet up after class. Us being Me, Orihime, Ichigo, Chad and Uryu. Ichigo still didn't like him even if they did fight as allies before. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen tomorrow. But I've been to caught up I forgot what happens.

~le time skip~

I was in registration when the teacher said we had new students. 'Wait! New Students?! Oh no! It's Toshiro's lot! Shit! Now I really need to hide my spiritual pressure.' Toshiro had his signiture scowl on his face while Rangiku was smiling widley. The teacher introduced them and asked them to take a seat wherever they want. And Toshiro just had to sit by me. He looked at me with his gorgeous turquoise eyes and I was looking at my notepad pretending to make notes. I blushed bright crimzon when he wouldnt stop staring.

"Will you please stop staring at me!" I whisper-shouted at him.

"Hmph...I reconise you somehow." He looked at me confused like he was trying to figure out who I was.

"What do you mean? I've never seen you before in my life. You must be mistaken." 'He cant know! How did he see my face? It was two seconds.'

"Probably...But I'm absolutley sure I know you." He replied

"Nope!" I said a bit too quickly. Ichigo looked at me with concern in his eyes. He knows how I feel about my power and how scared I am of the Soul Society. I know what they're capable of doing. And that terrifies me.

It was the end of school and I rushed towards the school gate to get home as quickly as possible.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" I heard Ichigo calling for me. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to catch up.

"Why so fast?" He asked while trying to catch his breath.

"I don't want Toshiro and the others following me."

"Why they don't know do they?"

"No, I don't think so but it wont stop them. Especially Toshiro, he kept staring at me all day. Like he was trying to reconise me. I cant let him know it was me in the Soul Society. We saw each other for a couple of seconds. I don't see how he could reconise me from that. Plus I was wearing my hoodie to prevent anyone from seeing me."

"I know you're scared but that doesn't mean anything bad will happen to you. You are our only hope in battles. You know everything that will happen within the next two years."

"Not exactly"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you yet, but I'll explain when the time is right."

"I understand.I guess knowing the future can be a bad thing."

"Yeah. Especially when you see how people die!"


"I know how our enemies will die. I know how our comrades will die. And I know how everyone is going to die! It's not a nice place to be. I hate knowing what's going to happen in the future, in YOUR future!" After I finished talking, well shouting really, there were no sounds. We continued to walk home. I guess he just respects my privacy.

~Toshiro P.O.V~

I walked into the class room with the stupid idiots I was with. They caused such a commotion. We were told to take a seat anywhere so I looked around and saw a familiar girl sitting down with an empty seat next to her.

"Will you please stop staring at me!" She whisper-shouted at me.

"Hmph...I reconise you somehow." I looked at her confused. I'm sure I've met her before.

"What do you mean? I've never seen you before in my life. You must be mistaken." She could be telling the truth but she seems anxious

"Probably...But I'm absolutely sure I know you." I replied

"Nope!" She said a bit too quickly. I decided to leave it there.

But I had to continue looking at her face all day to try and remember where I've seen her before. Once the last bell rang she ran out of class in a hurry. I walked towards the gate to see her and Ichigo talking about something. Then she started to look angry for some reason. Then she started to shout at him. I couldn't hear exactly what she said but I just heard a couple of words, 'enemies', 'comrades', 'die', 'future'.

What were they talking about? Hmph...I'll have to wait and see.


Hope you have enjoyed so far. Yes! Toshiro is finally in the story. I decided to skip two months just to get the story going. But here's the first conversation you and Toshiro had!

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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