Chapter 5

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"So...thats how I got here." I finished explaining the situation

"Well your story seems believable, but not possible" Kiskue answered very confused

"Well believe it, I just wanna go back to my world!" I blurted out without knowing it. 'Do I really miss home that much?'

"Why?" Kiskue asked concerned

"What?" I was confused. 'Why would he ask that?'

"Why do you want to go back? You just told me you hated it there"

"I....I can't leave them." 'I know they'll miss me'

"Leave who?"

"The people who were there for me, the people who saved my life, many times" 'Thank you Ffiôn, Mam, Dad, all of the family. How did it take me this long to notice?'

"And how did they do that?" 'How can I explain this. Should I tell him everything? he is the one to trust. Even if he is shady.'

"I might seem like an emotionless person, but I do have feelings! It hurts being alone for longer than you can remember! Then finally having someone 'strong' enough to be around me, or even talk to me like I matter" 'Wow. I'm not usually like this. What's happened to me?'

"You seem to have strong feelings for someone who hides their emotions."

"Well, I hide them for a reason"

"And that reason is...?"

"They can use them against me. Learn my weaknesses, know who I love the most and hurt them! I can't let that happen again!" Once I noticed what I said I immediately slapped my hand against my mouth. 'That's some de ja vu right there.'


"Yes, and I know your just going to ask so...I...I was 12 at the time, mother...she..she got hurt, and I couldn't help her, I was just a kid, I didn't know what I was doing, and she was beaten, it was all my fault, If I didn't cry, or show any emotion she would be fine, all I did was trust people on the streets, they were rapists, but they were drunk which made it even worse, it was all because I cried. It was after school and the bullies beat me up that day. I called my mum to pick me up, and she saw me running and they caught the hood of my jacket and picked me up off of the ground, and she was there she ran at them and full on punched the one that was holding me up, but they didn't like it, she told me to run to the car and my dad was there, he ran out and locked the doors, and saved her. But she's fine now. She's like she was before the beating. And she acts as if it never happened." I finished with a small smile on my face but with tears running down my cheek. 'I've never told anyone that before. But its nice to get it off of my chest.'

"You've been through a lot haven't you?" I nodded halfheartedly.

"I'm not going to ask anymore, I can tell this conversation has hurt you enough already" I gave him a thankful smile, and left.

The journey home was nice, it was early morning, so the sun was only just rising. It was beautiful. But all I could think of was the conversation me and Kiskue had just minutes prior. 

'I've never showed that much emotion before in front of anybody. Why? Is it because I'm here? Because I feel wanted? Or because I trust them enough?' 

I was thinking for so long I didn't even notice I got home, I unlocked the door, put my keys down and went to bed, I didn't get any sleep yesterday and I have to start school tomorrow. I fell asleep as I hit the pillow.

I woke up at around 2.30pm. I was hungry so I decided to see what was in the kitchen. Nothing. 'Ugh' looks like I have to go out then.

I grabbed my things and left the house. It was a lovely day. It was nice and warm too. 'Home was always colder, but this is nice' I was so caught up in my thoughts that I bumped into someone AGAIN!

"Ouch!" I looked up to see Rukia in front of me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too."

"No it's fine" She can be so stubborn, wait, if she's here that means...'

"Oh, hi (Y/N)." 'Ichigo'

"Hey Ichigo."

"Hey, what brings you here." Ichigo asked

"Uhm, my kitchen was empty so I was trying to find somewhere to eat." I explained

"Oh, how about you come with us?" 

"Ichigo we can't do that!!" Rukia yelled so everyone around us was staring our way, 'Talk about embarrassment'

"And why not?"

"Uhh..because of that thing we were doing together for our job" 'She's a terrible liar'

Ichigo looked at me to ask if it was ok to tell her that I know. I gave him a look saying no. She couldn't know, it would ruin everything.

"Look I'm sure it'll be fine"

"Ugh, fine but if anything happens its your fault"

"Ok, ok I got it. Come on (Y/N)"

~Le time skip~

Ichigo took us to this amazing food place. It tasted delicious. I just ordered Ramen with some chicken korma curry (Sorry only thing i could think of) and some traditional rice balls.

We all just had a chat about things, like how I'm enjoying my stay here at Karakura Town, about going to the same school and lots of random things.

It was the end of the day and Ichigo, Rukia and me were walking home. Then there was this beeping noise. 'A hollow?' Rukia grabbed her phone.

"Uhm (Y/N) we have to run see you in school." She grabbed Ichigo and ran the direction of the hollow. Only Ichigo and Kiskue know. I think it'll be safer that way.

I walked home (again), not caring about Ichigo and Rukia because I knew they'd be fine. 'There's no point worrying about them. If I did I would make their lives worse anyways. I'm just a waste of space. A nobody.' And at that I went to bed and let darkness take over me.


Hey guys, here's the next chapter, I'm so sorry that its late, I've been doing a lot of coursework recently and today I found the time to update the story. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. 

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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