Chapter 27

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My hollow was weakening as was I. I had to fight, for my friends, if they die because if me the storyline will change and who knows what happens then...wait, I'm in the storyline. I'm involved. My hollow laughed, snapping me back into reality.
'You only now noticed? After everything that's happened, its been a year. And you forgot your life, your real life! Ha. Your weak. If you can't remember your own family!' She was messing with my head. Trying to weaken me even more. The greater my sadness and regret, the stronger she gets.
"Shut up! This is my life! A year ago, I got brought here for a reason! I never knew why...until now! I was brought here to save Karakura Town, and The Soul Society and their people from any danger! And you are the biggest one of them all!" I ran towards her, everything went in slow motion, she was in shock, eyes wide and my zanpakuto going through her chest...right in the heart. She fell, my breathing went heavy before everything went dark.
~Toshiro's P.O.V~
I was just about done with m paperwork do I went back to The World of the Living and got my gegai. I went to a jewelry store and looked for something that (Y/N) would love. Then I found it, the Perfect ring. I was gold, it was encrusted with diamonds around a colorful gem, but it was her birthstone. I bought it in her size in a teal box wit a light blue ribbon around it. I went to Urahara's and left my gegai there. I put the box in the pocket of my shikaisho and wanted to wait till the perfect moment to ask her. But I was going to do this properly so I went to the Kurosaki Clinic and knocked on the door. Karin answered.
"Toshiro? What are you going here?"
"I need to speak to your father"
"He's doing some work in the clinic"
"Thanks Karin." I headed to the clinic and knocked on the door.
"Toshiro, what brings you here?"
"I came to ask you something"
"Go ahead."
"Well, it's (Y/N), as she has no biological family here. If anything was to be asked, would I have to come to you. To ask permission?"
"Yes I guess, but where ate you going with this Toshiro?"
"I wanted to ask you if I could take (Y/N)'s hand in marriage. You are the closest person I can find to being her father." He looked shocked for a second, but then smiled.
"Toshiro, I know you, and i have since you were just a boy, and how you treat people, especially (Y/N), and as the closest thing to a father to her, I grant permission for you to marry my daughter"
"Thank you Captain!"
"Please, I lost that rank years ago. Call me Isshin"
"Yes Sir! ... Uh, Isshin."
"I'm sorry Toshiro but I'm working, is it ok if you leave."
"Uh...yeah of course no problem" I left the room then without a second thought and went back to Urahara's. I walked in and saw him. I smiled at him but it slowly started to fade after seeing the look on his face.
"What happened?!"
"I don't know, she hasn't woken up in three days. Whatever she did must've hit her hard." I stared at her sleeping figure going that she would wake up. I sat next to her and Urahara left us alone.
~Your P.O.V~
I woke up after I don't know how long. I opened my eyes to see me at Urahara's. I felt something by my side. I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Toshiro holding my hand. Tear streams down his face. 'He must've fell asleep crying' He stirred awake. Looked at me with hope in his eyes. He stared at me for a couple of seconds before hugging me tightly. All I could hear was his quiet sobs. I hugged him back to show him that I was alright. I knew he was worried. After all I did pass out fighting my hollow. My hollow! Is she defeated and under control? Toshiro sniffled as he let go from our warm embrace.
"I thought I lost you!" He yelled I anger and pain. But I brushed it off. He was scared.
"I'm alright aren't I?"
"Yeah but I didn't know when you would wake up again! What if you died! I couldn't live with myself if you did! Everything would be ove-" I kissed him to shut him up. He kissed back passionately, like he hasn't seen me I months. We pulled apart and pressed our foreheads together.
"How long was I asleep?" I asked in a serious tone. He looked down and moved back from me a bit. He sighed.
"A week, I wasn't here the first three days. But I came back to check in your training and I found you here. Urahara told me what happened. I've been here ever since. Keeping an eye on you hoping you would wake up!" He had a tear streaming down his face once more.
"A week? How could I be unconscious for so long?" I held my head I pain.
"Ichigo? His family! I have to go and see them!" I stood up as fast as I could only to gall down again. Toshiro caught me so I didn't hurt anything. That's when I looked at my body.  I had bandages and bruises all over. I couldn't feel it until I stood up.
"Uh. Thanks Toshiro." I got my balance before he let go and I walked out the door to see Urahara having some tea in the middle of the always.
"So your awake?"
"How are you? You've been here for a week."
"Yeah I know Toshiro told me. And just a pain in my head. And a little over the body. But nothing I can't handle."
"Good. Also the Kurosaki's came by they said they'd come back. But you have about two hours before they're due."
"I was on my way to theirs anyways."
"Ok good. It Toshiro going with you?"
"Yeah, anyways bye Kisuke! I'll come back don't worry." I said as I walked out of the door.

Hope you have enjoyed so far. So, Toshiro has the ring and you are awake. If you have any suggestions then put them in the comments but they have to go with the story line.

I might not be updating for a while because I have 4 maths exams within a week so I'll be busy. But as soon as I'm done I'll be writing again!

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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