Chapter 19

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I walked towards Aizen. 'He's very smart. I know what he's like. I have to be extra careful around him now.'

"(Y/N). Ready to go?" He asked in a sinister voice. 'I hate him so much!'

"Yes. But unfortunately I witnessed the death of a comrade. Grimmjow did well in his battle but Ichigo bested him. And as I am still human I will mourn over his death." I sighed while looking to the ground.

"Don't worry about it. But right now we need you." He raised his voice so I would look up at him.

"I shall enter at a different time." I said.

"Oh? And why is that?" He questioned.

"They still trust me. The least I can do is show up later so they cannot see my face until the very end." I explained.

"Very well. I shall see you there (Y/N). Don't disappoint me." He said seriously. 'Oh I will! You can count on it!' He walked through the garganta with Gin and Kaname. Gin gave me a sympathetic look before he left. I told him about my plan, and the only reason is because I know what his plan is. I can trust him! I decided to check on everyone else and their battles. I found Orihime and Uryu and walked up to them. I could tell Uryu couldn't tell who I was. As soon as he saw me he grabbed his bow and arrow, braced up, and attacked. I dodged every arrow of his. Until I was right next to him. He was reaching out to his sword-like weapon made out of his reishi. 

"Calm down Uryu. No need to attack." I said calmly while lowering his arm. He had complete shock in his facial features.

"H-How?" He asked obviously shocked that I knew his name. 

"You really do surprise me. You're normally very smart and cocky. What happened? Did fighting really change you that much?" I asked so he would recognize my cockiness.

"(Y/N)? Wh-What happened to you?" He asked terror and worry filling his eyes behind his glasses.

"Look, Orihime will explain everything. But right now I have to face the Soul Society like this. Ichigo didn't hesitate to attack me. So I'm terrified of what the Soul Reapers will do. But right now I need to help one of our comrades." I flash-stepped to Byakuyas battle with Zommari. I walked in hiding in the shadows but enough so someone knew I was there. Zommari looked at me. Then Byakuya turned and looked at me.

"Who's there?!"

"Oh now. Didn't anyone ever teach you not to turn away from the enemy Byakuya?!"

"Wha-?" He turned around as Zommari was about to attack then I blocked it.

"Now now Zommari...Why attack. He obviously isn't very skilled if he turns away. Go easy on him will ya?" I whispered in Byakuyas ear. 'Trust me. You know who I am. We're comrades, and don't worry this is only a disguise. Don't let him take your pride. Rukia means everything to you!'   He looked at me with pure shock.


"Trust me!"

"(Y/N)?! What is the meaning of this?!"

"I'm sorry Zommari. But you guys trusted me so easily. Did you really think that I'd go against the Soul Society?! Do you see that girl? The one that YOU harmed! She is a very good friend to me! And his pride. And do you know what soul reapers do? They will fight for their pride! And die with it!"

"(Y/N)?! I can't believe you! You traitor! I now see you as nothing but an enemy!"

"Good! That is what you are to me also. And nothing will stop me from defeating Aizen!"

~Le time skip~ (You are with Uryu and Orihime)

"Uryu! Did she tell you?"

"Yeah. If this works...will it be over."

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