Chapter 14

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I was left alone with Aizen! I hate him! My blood boiled in anger once I seen his face but I couldn't look away!

"You obviously know why you're here" Aizen began.

"But, you are precious to me. Or your power at least, you can help me fight against the soul society. They will just lock you up thinking you are dangerous! But me, I'll let you do whatever you want"

"What? You'll never lock me up?"


"Well that's nice isn't it? Considering I woke up in a cell with highly protected barriers!"

"We had to make sure you were on our side!"

"Oh really? Or were you just scared of my power?! Because I'm more powerful than you? And you know that I can defeat you so you want me on your side?!" Aizen growled in response. 'Really? Whats with everybody growling in this place?!'

"Look! I'm trying to be nice to you here! I could have you locked up right now!" He yelled

"You wouldn't be able to keep me there I got out of my cell earlier, but I might consider joining your side" I began. 

"I'm interested...continue" He said calmly. 'If I stay here I could get trained by them, learn their weaknesses and use it against them!'

"I'll stay by your side if I can go to the World of the Living whenever I want!" I asked well...commanded.

"Huh? You think I'd trust you with that?!" He yelled obviously angered at my 'Question'.

"They don't know that I'm here right now, or at least they shouldn't...the point is I could get to know them, learn their weaknesses and use it against them"

"Hmm, you're very smart. Very well, when do you want to leave?" He asked obviously amused.

"Right now! The longer I'm here the more suspicions we get!" I tried to persuade him.

"Very well! But here have this" He said as he gave me a turquoise gem on a gold chain. (Picture above)

"What's this?"  I asked knowing he did something to it.

"That will be your way back and forth from here. It's the key to the Garganta." He explained.

"One question...can you by any chance see everything that happens when I'm not here?" I questioned him.

"No, I trust you to much to do that." He said with his evil grin. I shuddered.

"How do I use this?" I asked.

"Hold onto the charm and ask for entrance, go on try it" He encouraged me. I held the gem. 'I wish to enter the World of the Living' The Garganta opened. I stood there shocked. 'It worked?! It actually worked!'

"Goodbye Aizen, until I come back" I said with a grin on my face as i walked into the Garganta.

~le time skip~

I walked out into the Human World. It was nice to be here again. But I bet the Guys are worried sick! I released a small amount of my spiritual pressure then ran home. I walked into my house and noticed I haven't even done my weekly shop. 

"*sigh* I'll do it tomorrow" I was tired and decided to go to sleep. I fell into a cocoon of warmth and fell asleep instantly.

~Toshiro P.O.V~

We were all at Uraharas trying to find out what happened to (Y/N). But that's when I felt her spiritual pressure. My head bolted upright and faced the door, but I wasn't the only one who felt it. I ran outside and went where I felt her spiritual pressure, but she was gone. 'She's here. But why show her spiritual pressure? Was it to let us know she was safe? Or for some other reason?' I saw Ichigo follow me here, he does care about her to. Then he spoke up.

"Where is she?! She has us all worried sick!" He exclaimed.

"Calm down Ichigo, first lets check her house." I said calmly.

"On it." he said as we were flash-stepping to her house. The door was locked so I decided to go for plan b. I climbed  through her bedroom window and found her lying there peacefully.

"Ichigo she's here." I whisper-shouted at him.

"Good, we know she's safe. But someone should stay with her! To make sure she doesn't get taken again." He explained.

"How did she get back?" I asked

"That doesn't matter right now all that matters is that she's safe." He said

"Someone should stay here, make sure she's safe!" I explained

"I'm just next door so we don't need anyone to stay here." He said calmly

"Yes we do! What if they come here and take her!" I exclaimed

"I guess you're right, well who do you suggest." He asked

"Rangiku" I said calmly

"What?! You can't be serious have you seen her?" He exclaimed.

"I believe the question is have you seen her in battle?" I asked.

"What?"he questioned.

"She's capable of keeping her safe I assure you I'll get Rangiku, you can go home." I said

"What?! You can't be serious?" He asked

"I am Ichigo, go your family is probably waiting for you, it's almost seven." I explained

"Fine!" He growled. I contacted Rangiku and asked her to meet me here. I explained everything as soon as she got here.


Hope you have enjoyed so far. Holy crap! 500 reads! Thank you so much guys! But as always if you have any suggestions just put them in the comments! I read them all and I will choose the one that either goes with the story line the best, or a really creative one! Thanks for reading thus far!

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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