Chapter 8

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I was in Ichigo's house talking to Karin and Yuzu in their room. We've gotten close over the past 2 months. But I heard Ichigo talking to someone. I was the closest to their door so I could hear it better. I thought he was talking to Kon until I heard a VERY feminine voice start talking. 'Rangiku? Are they having that talk? About the arrancar? Should I go and find out?' I excused myself from the girls and walked to Ichigo's room with my bag.

"Hey Ichigo I need help with the homework." I looked around and I saw Ichigo, Rukia, Toshiro, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and obviously Kon in his room. I thought I'd act confused.

"Uhm, hey, your all in my class right?" I thought I'd act like it was normal to have your light on the floor with so many people in the room while one was on the window...yep sooo normal.

"Yeah, hey (Y/N), when did you get here?" Ichigo asked playing along.

"About 10 minutes ago, I was just talking to the girls for a bit before I came and asked for help. You know how much I'm slacking and I really can't afford to fail the next test." I continued

"Ok, give me 10 minutes to talk to these lot then ok?" He said

"Ok, see you in a bit" I answered walking back to the girls room. Then I heard some muffled voices. Talking about me. 'Well that's a start to a whole different path the the actual story, I'm so stupid! I can't change the story-line! That's not how it works!' Ugh

~Toshiro P.O.V~

Me and the soul reapers who were sent on the mission went to Ichigo's house to talk about the current situation. We were in the middle of talking when (Y/N) showed up.

"Hey Ichigo I need help with the homework." She looked around to see who was in the room.

"Uhm, hey, your all in my class right?" She asked us.

"Yeah, hey (Y/N), when did you get here?" Ichigo asked her.

"About 10 minutes ago, I was just talking to the girls for a bit before I came and asked for help. You know how much I'm slacking and I really can't afford to fail the next test." She stated

"Ok, give me 10 minutes to talk to these lot then ok?" He said

"Ok, see you in a bit" She answered cheerfully walking out of the room.

"Why is she here" Renji asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"She's gotten pretty close to my sisters over the past two months" Ichigo answered 'Two months? Isn't that when it began?'

"Two months you mean she hasn't been here long" I asked slightly confused

"No, she moved in the house next door two months ago, and started school a week after, so shes behind on all assignments so I told her I would help" there were no words after that for at least 30 seconds before Ichigo said

"So what's happening in Karakura town?" And we continued with our conversation.

~Your P.O.V~

I was talking to the girls (again) when Ichigo came into their room and asked if I wanted help with my homework. I walked out of the girls room and into Ichigo's.

"So thanks for playing along"

"No problem, I know what your like with Soul Reapers so its fine"

"Anyways whats happening?"

"I thought you already knew?!"

"Well yeah but its nice to have some input because I don't know everything that was said."

"Ok fine..."

~le time skip after the talk~

After Ichigo told me what was happening I decided that I would leave but Yuzu was cooking so she said I weren't leaving without eating something.

"No Yuzu its fine, I'll cook something at my house later" I told her

"No, you are not leaving without eating something!" 'Man, when it comes to food shes violent and stubborn, there is no way I'm going to win this'

"Ok fine I'll stay" I agreed

"Ok, that's great I made enough for everybody!" She cheerfully said, running to the kitchen.

"Will I ever be able to leave without her pestering me to eat?" I asked Ichigo. who was sitting on the sofa the whole time.

"Nope. She loves cooking so she loves if more people come over and stay for dinner." He explained

"But I'm not even hungry!" I whined.

"Your fault, you should know what she's like" He retorted

"Ugh...I hate you sometimes"

"Thanks!" He enthusiastically said.

"Dinner!" Yuzu shouted from the kitchen. We all sat at the table just talking about life and school when I felt a strong spiritual pressure.

"Uhm...Ichigo can we talk for a minute, in private?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" He answered. He already knew what was happening

"There are six arrancar here, ok but don't worry the rest are already on their way to fight. But I'll protect everyone else" I explained to him nicely

"Everyone else?" He asked confused

"They're going after everyone with the slightest hint of spiritual pressure" I explained

"What? I cant leave Karin behind" He exclaimed

"I'll protect her just go!" I shouted at him. Then with that he left.

"Hey sorry guys Ichigo had to go somewhere for the time being." I said while walking back to dinner

"Where too?" Yuzu asked confused as too why he left

"He didn't tell me" I answered with no emotion

"You asked him to talk to you" She said with a bit more volume.

"Yeah I know and I did, then he said he had to go. But I didn't ask where" I explained. After that she fell silent. I obviously knew that Karin knows whats going on. But Yuzu just looked like she wants to know whats happened over the past 2 months with Ichigo. She can tel he's happier and I guess. But he has had a constant smile on his face which I always love to see. I hate seeing people sad. I feel the need to cheer them up.

I've noticed that my character has changed also. I'm smiling a lot more often and I continue showing my emotions, and it feels nice. To share your emotions with someone. But I know how the next battle goes.

"It's getting late, I should head home" I yawned while stretching

"You live next door" Yuzu pouted. She always likes my company for some reason I don't know.

"Yeah but I'm tired too, and I have school tomorrow" I explained to her

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, after school?" She asked not knowing if I was free or not.

"Yeah, totally!" I exclaimed while grabbing my bag. 'The next couple of weeks are going to be tough' I thought while walking out the door.


Hope you have enjoyed so far. So what do you guys think of the story? I really want to know. And what do you think should happen next? If there are suggestions I will pick a random one. 

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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