Chapter 48

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It's only been a couple of hours and all Captains and Lieutenants were told to head to the 1st barracks for a meeting and I was to tag along. I was guessing it was about the wedding. I've been so tired recently trying to plan everything and helping Shiro with his paperwork. I haven't slept properly in about 3 days. But Shiro thinks I'm sleeping like normal. So I can't tell him. I hid my dark circles with makeup before he woke up every day.  But it's getting more difficult as time goes by.

Me, Shiro, and Rangiku were the first there. Everyone else arrived in pairs. Kenpachi thought it was a waste of his time. So did Soi Fon. But once we were all inside all the comments stopped. The head-captain waited for everyone to get into place. I was placed in the middle of everyone but behind everyone so they could all see my face.

"Now then. I'm aware that this meeting is unexpected. But as you all know (Y/N) (L/N) has sent invitations to everyone and some of your subordinates for her and Captain Hitsugaya's wedding this spring. But it should be obvious that would mean the Gotei 13 will be without any Captains or Lieutenant for a whole day. (Y/N) I'm sure you were aware of this before you asked me" 'I can't stand up for much longer!'

"Yes sir. And as I said before I'm tremendously sorry for even bringing it up. But after everything everyone has done for me and Shi-uh Captain Hitsugaya I thought it was only fair. I thought it was the correct decision. I didn't think about everyone's part of the Gotei 13, or the safety of others. But I have now thought about it and as much as I want everyone's presence at our wedding if we are unable to do so. I will-" before I finished my sentence I fell and felt pain on my right side. My vision kept fading slowly. I saw Shiro run towards me in panic. I could feel it. My spiritual pressure I couldn't control it. 'Now I'm in trouble for sure' I laughed in my mind as I couldn't speak. I felt numb. I can't see it hear anything. I guess I finally passed out.  Unohana was there anyways. She's a doctor. I'll be fine. I'm sure of it.

~Toshiro's P.O.V~
She knows how to get her own way. She's so persuasive, even the head captain can't refuse her requests at times.

"-I have now thought about it and as much as I want everyone's presence at our wedding if we are unable to do so. I will-" she stopped. Why?

"(Y/N!)" I ran to her. She fell. Why?  Her spiritual pressure. What has she been hiding? She can always control it?! What is wrong with her? I held her in my arms trying to get her to wake up. But nothing worked. Everyone was to scared to move. Even we were having trouble staying stable. I never remember her being this strong. I almost passed out myself. But the head captain stood up and...I'm stable again. What did he do?  I looked down and she was glowing.

"Sir. What did you do?"

"It's dangerous having her release her spiritual pressure like this. I just sealed it to reduce the danger that she may cause."

"Thank you Sir. But will she be alright?" I didn't dare to look at him. I couldn't. He'd see me weak. She is my only weakness. Everyone knows, but I can't show it. Can I?

"Unohana. See to her at once."

"Yes sir" she bowed and asked me to take (Y/N) to the infirmary. She knew I didn't want to leave her. So I picked her up and began to walk out.

"Captain Hitsugaya. I don't recall dismissing you." I turned and looked at him.

"My deepest apologies Sir. But I cannot leave her side. Rules are a must in The Gotei 13 but my future wife is more important then those rules. I would break a thousand rules if it meant I could keep her safe. Please excuse me." I walked out and Unohana looked quite proud of me. 'I'm so stupid. I'm not gonna hear the end of this.' We flash stepped to the infirmary, I placed her on a bed in the room closest to Captain Unohana's office. She placed a barrier around the room to prevent any spiritual pressure from escaping. 

"I'm sorry Captain. But I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave."

"What? Why?"

"I can't find out what's wrong until I remove the seal the head captain placed on her. I'm happy to let you wait outside. But she's too powerful for us to handle all of her spiritual pressure."

"I understand, will you be okay?" I was worried. She's right even she can't handle (Y/N)'s power.

"I'll be fine. I am a professional after all" I nodded and walked out. I say on the bench placed outside her room.

It's been about an hour. And I'm still waiting for something. How much testing does she need? Why didn't she tell me she was ill. I worry more when she hides it from me. Just then Unohana came out and saw me there. I immediately stood up and bombarded her with questions.

"Is she okay? What's wrong with her? Is it serious? Is it treatable?"

"I understand you're concern Captain. But it's nothing g serious. She's just lacking sleep. And it affected her immune system. She should be fine after some rest."

"Wait that doesn't make sense. She falls asleep before me and wakes up after I do. How is she lacking sleep?"

"I'm not sure. I'm guessing she woke up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep before you woke up."

"Is her spiritual pressure under control?"

"Not completely yet. But anyone above a 5th seat can handle it."
"Is it okay if I stay with her?"

"Yes of course" I thanked her and walked in. (Y/N) was sleeping calmly. I say in the seat next to her and held her hand.

"Why have you been lying? You could've told me. Lack of sleep is bad for you, you know. You're so stupid sometimes. But please be more careful. And tell me when you're not well. It worries me more when you hide stuff from me. Please. Let's not hide stuff from each other anymore." The room was filled with silence after I had stopped speaking. I wanted to stay here but I knew I had to much work at the office that was untouched.  I stayed for a bit longer before finally deciding to leave. I walked to the door and looked back at her. I should've kept a closer eye on her.

I made it to the office and there was only a small pile of paperwork on my desk. I looked over to Rangikus desk and there she was. Asleep on a half done pile of work. She did this without anyone asking. I looked at the pile on my desk and it was the papers that only I could sign and fill in. She organised everything and did most of the work herself.

"I'm not the only one (Y/N) has changed then" I chuckled. It's still surprising to see her do work. I should finish the work really,  but after today I'm really tired. (Y/N) will have a go at me if I don't sleep while she's hospitalised. So I decided to go back to my room. I fell onto her side of the bed, it smelled like her. But I looked to the floor and there was a book there. I picked it up and sat up on the bed.

"That idiot. She never let's me help her. " I flipped through the book. And it was a wedding scrapbook full of ideas. She glued pictures in and scribbled notes next to them. Her writing seemed scruffy,  probably because she was tired while writing it. 

"Is this what she's been doing instead of sleeping." I asked myself. I looked at the last page she filled in and she wrote 'My dream wedding will come true. I will marry the man I love the most.' And it made me happy. I looked back at all of her notes. And some of them were about the pictures while the others were little notes to herself. I decided to finally sleep then check on (Y/N) first thing tomorrow morning.


Hope you have enjoyed so far. If you have any suggestions then put them in the comments but they have to go with the story line.

So, this update took longer than normal. I've been having writers block but I finally got it up! I'm still writing the next chapter too so hopefully that won't take as long.

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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