Chapter 34

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I know that its been a while but I've had writers block and I just didn't know what to do but I now have more time to think so here's another chapter.

I woke up in a strange place. My head was still thumping. Memories from the previous night flooded my mind, I quietly sobbed with my head in my hands. I heard people in the next room so I stopped crying and decided to investigate. I got up from the futon I was in and headed to the door. I silently opened it a bit so I could peek into the next room. And what I saw shocked me. It was the full-bringers. I saw Ginjo walking up towards the door so I went back to the futon and sat on it like I'd just woken up. He opened the door.

"Hey sleepyhead."

"Wha-? Where am I?" I decided to act confused.

"Your with X-cution"

"Whats that?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters now is that your safe."

"Thank you, f-for saving me"

"Hey its no biggie. How about you meet the rest of the crew, only Tsukishima knows your here."

"Alright" I got up and he led me into the main room. 'Chad should be here somewhere'. I walked in with Ginjo and everyone stared at me. I looked around the room and saw Chad.

"Chad!" I ran up to him and gave him a massive hug. He was reluctant to hug back but he did eventually.

"I see you know our newest member"

"Yeah. Hey Chad is this where you've been this whole time?"  I asked. He looked confused because he knows about my 'ability'.

"Roll with it" I whispered to him. He seemed to understand.

"Yeah. Its busy here."

"Well you know you need to come to school! You education is important I don't want you slacking"

"Look (Y/N), I know okay, but I need to do this."

"I know. You never miss school so it must be important. But I should really get going. My family's probably worried sick" I started to head for the door but I was interrupted.

"Wait" It was Ginjo.

"Yeah?" I said sweetly.

"How about I walk you, considering what happened last night?" I remembered them again. I had an obvious look of distress.

"Uh, how about Chad taking me. I already know him. So I'd be more comfortable with it" Ginjo was pissed but agreed anyways. So me and Chad made our way to my house.

"What was all that about?" Chad asked once we were far enough from X-cution.

"What? I didn't want to get caught, plus if they find out I'm gonna be the one in trouble. Yes I know whats going to happen but, its been so long since I saw it last, its blurry. I can only remember some things now. I don't remember everything like I used to."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing"

"Whatever I do I will always end up here. No matter what choices I make, whatever details I alter I will always end up here! And there's nothing I can do about it" [SPN quote >_<]

"It's difficult for you huh?"

"Of course it is! I try my best to help but I can't. I cant help anyone anymore." Chad was never good with comforting people so it was silent all the way home. 

"Chad. Don't do anything stupid. They cant be trusted. Not completely."

"I'll be careful." We said our farewells and I walked inside. 'What is going on? Why did I have to be so stupid!! I can't be apart of that! Dammit!'  I went in and decided to start cooking. Before I could start properly there was a knock on the door. I walked to the front door and opened it. Then I saw him.

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