Chapter 10

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I found myself at a familiar hill. I was running for hours. I've lost track of time but the sunset was beautiful. I couldn't get a good view of it but I just had to calm down. So I just sat there looking at the sunset. 'I should come back here every evening to see this amazing view'  Wait! 'This is where Toshiro comes to calm down and remember his time with Momo before she left for the soul society. I guess I have to be careful from now on. Anywhere I go could be dangerous. I could bump into any of the soul reapers. If that happens I'll be taken to the soul society and I can't let that happen! And my friends. What about them? I bet their worried sick. Especially Ichigo.'

"Ugh! Why can't I think of a solution! I've ruined everything!" I shouted in frustration.

"Maybe you could come and have a chat at Uraharas?" I looked up in fear. 'Toshiro? No!'

"And why would I do that?!" I asked spitting my words at him.

"You obviously have a powerful spiritual pressure. And I'm actually surprised you can hide it this well." He finished while looking at me straight in the eyes. I looked away and replied.

"I cant go to the soul society. I don't even belong here! I'm not meant to have this power! Its powerful I know that. But I have to leave as soon as possible. I cant have Aizen finding me, my power is to strong. And knowing him he'll use it for his own." I finished with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Look, I'm not taking you to the soul society, I just want to talk." He tried to reassure me, probably to make me feel better and more comfortable with having a conversation.

"How can I trust you?" I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Look you are a danger to the soul society and the world of the living. But that doesn't mean I cant talk with you to figure out what's going on" He finished with sympathy in his voice.

"*sigh* Fine. But only because I trust Urahara" He sighed of relief, like he knew I was stubborn.

The walk to Uraharas was silent, but surprisingly it was a comfortable silence instead of an awkward one. Probably because I know what he's like. 'He's kind, even if he tries to hide it.'



"Umm, I know that you try to hide your emotions, and that's why you don't smile. I'm guessing that it's because you are the shortest captain and people don't take you seriously unless you show your control, and show that you are as mature as the other captains" I didn't look at him until I finished seeing and he had a look of pure shock on his face.

"H-how did you?"

"I have my abilities to Captain Hitsugaya!" I said sarcastically

"Well I don't suppose you know anything else about me?" 

"Well, actually I do."

"Like what exactly?"

"Well, you grew up in the Rukon district with Momo she always called you Shiro-chan even now, and as I know of, you always looked at the sunset together, but after she left for the Shin'o Academy. You were left with your Granny. And that's why the sunset brings memories to you. You weren't the most popular kid in school either. You just sat there in our own thoughts I'm sorry forget I said anything."

"No continue please, I want to know how much of me you know yourself!"

"Until Kusaka came along. You both wielded the same Zanpakuto, and you had to fight to see who was strong enough to wield him. Hyourinmaru. The most powerful Ice-type Zanpakuto. You weren't able to finish the fight because central 46 interrupted and said they know who will wield Hyourinmaru, and to get his full power, the other had to die. Kusaka your best friend was killed right in front on your eyes. Because central 46 wouldn't let 2 different wielders for one Zanpakuto. Thats one other reason you hide your emotions. To hide all of your pain and suffering underneath your mask. Hmph...I guess we are alike in some way."

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