39 : The New King

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A/N : Italics means the characters' thoughts and flashbacks (maybe flash-forward). The Blue House means just like in America The White House where the president lives, I think. Lol.

[The Blue House]

2 years later...

Inside the Blue House, along with the long silent corridor you can hear footsteps of heels clicking on the hard black marble floor. A lady with chestnut-brown hair tied up to a messy bun, wearing a formal white slim dress that reach up to her knees with a orange folder in her hands.

She's going directly to his office.

When she reaches at the end of the hall there's a gentle knock onto this two massive door.

"Come in." - a simple and deep familiar voice has answered.

The young lady came in and gave her respects after seeing the three most important person sitting across from each other.

"Ah, Ms. Yang what can I do for you?" - no other than Jang Ji Hoo kindly greets her.

"Here's the files you requested, Lord Jang." - his secretary said.

"Oh. Yes, thank you. You may leave." - after he sent her off he returned back the conversation he was in as he took a sip of his cup of tea. "So, what do you think? Hyeri? ChangSu? Should we construct another military base here."

He pointed at the located on the map he wished to build another military base for his men. After 2 years controlling the whole entire country his army is getting bigger as we speak.

"Mhnm, I don't know hal-abeoji (grandfather). I know you want to expand our army but why I'm here?" - ChanguSu asked puzzlingly.

"Well, you are my grandson aren't you?" - Ji Hoo questioned.

"Yeah, but—" - ChangSu couldn't continue to protest as Ji Hoo put his arm around his neck. "Besides, you are the second commander of this new era so you need to know this." Then Ji Hoo had this weird expression on his face. Hyeri didn't know that he could express such a thing. She watched them curiously and analyze their behavior. For the first time, as long as she could remember, Ji Hoo have a gentle and genuine smile with a slight blush. She sees ChangSu and Ji Hoo are happy together, almost like one big family. Then it came a realization.

Don't tell me that the old man...

Hyeri took a quick sip on her tea and set the cup down. She looks back at the map with her usual straight face as always. Then it grabbed the two men attention to her.

"If you really want to build another base there then go talk to Nini and Kezia. Those two suddenly have interests with military tactics so why not ask them. They have all the answer you need, old man." - Hyeri said slowly with a perfect grin on her lips. She was very thrill when she finally discovered a very common weakness that will destroy him in the future.

For those few moments, her body were tingling with excitement, at the end of her fingertips was tempting to feel around Ji Hoo's neck when she chokes him. Hyeri couldn't help but imagine what kind of face will Ji Hoo make. Her blood was exhilarating nonstop that Hyeri could feel soon the bloodlust she always wanted is almost here.

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