19 : At the hospital

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(Hyeri's POV)


What is that noise? Why can't I move? Why I can't open my eyes? What's going on? Then I hear an door slide open. I wonder who could it be? It sounds like more than one person came in.

"Oh my gosh...Hyeri!"

What?! Nathan...wait the guys are here. Please Chase, Andy, JJ, Nathan what's going on? Please explain! Wait, what I'm doing they can't hear my thoughts. I wish I can open my mouth and ask them what's going on.

"Hyung, this is horrible...look at her. She looks like she's is about to die right now." - Andy

"Why did it has to happen to her? She went though so much. Now she's here, unable to move a muscle that she didn't have a chance to become clean of her secrets to the people she love. What are we gonna do?" - as I can hear JJ is sobbing while he was talking.

Sniff..sniff this breaks my heart to hear them like that so sad and it feels they are gonna give up on me. Please don't, I need your courage guys. Your the only one that can make me keep going through my life.

Then again the door slide open.

"Excuse me, but Dr. Lee instructed me to tell you, should let Miss Kate Johnson get some rest." - a nurse told them.

Then I can hear all of them were walking to the right. They have no idea I wanted them to stay. I'm too afraid to be by myself. You know what happen when I'm alone. But then Nathan spoke up.

"No, I stay here Miss while they can go. I'm the eldest here so I can take care of her and watch her." - Nathan

"Ok, please do so." - the nurse

So I was left alone with Nathan. Thank goodness he's here. I wouldn't know what I should do if I was left here alone.

"Hyeri...until you wake up from this horrible nightmare for all of us. We will never leave you alone ever again. I guarantee that." - Nathan

(A/N: This next POV would be in third person. Just saying this just in case if anyone gets confuse.)

(Third's POV)

While Nathan was looking at Hyeri on that bed not even showing any movement to see if she is still alive from that state. He couldn't bare to think the outcome in the future to what happen if Hyeri would actually die this time. Instead a fake death from what others thought.

While he is sitting in there next to Hyeri, the guys are at the cafeteria really worried about Hyeri. It was surprising too see that JJ was really crying really hard. JJ was a type a guy who would hold it in but guessing this time it impact him a lot that made him to overflow with tears falling down from his cheeks.

These three men was thinking how can this occurred. Too many question was flying around their heads and yet is not answered.

"Hyung, do you think that it could be..." - Chase ask Andy.

They had this one thought they had in mind but they didn't think it could be. "Nah!! ~ do yo think you so?" - Andy replied

"Well who knows, it could be possible because nobody would set a bomb there without a reason--" - JJ respond

"Well yes, but you never know that a crazy person just randomly put a bomb there." - Andy

"True, but rarely that happens though. I mean think about it, there's no other explanation to this random situation, unless--" - Chase


They finally understand what's going on now. All of them harshly push back the hair and start running out the cafeteria. They realize now, it's life and death...Hyeri is in danger. From all three of them Chase is actually the fastest among them including Nathan. Even though is was quite a runner, they don't know if Hyeri is safe. They know Nathan is with Hyeri but there is a chance right now this very moment she's in trouble.

But it got worse. They already predicted something that they hope it isn't true. Hoping that Nathan have never left the room. Once Nathan leaves, it will be over and it became true as all three of them saw Nathan got out from an office and it was Dr. Lee's office the same floor where the cafeteria was at, floor 5 B-3 while Hyeri's room was floor 12 L-12.

It made Chase to stop. Andy plus JJ realize why Chase stop. Andy went up to Nathan and yank his right shoulder.

"Hyung? What the hell are you doing here?!" - Andy

"Wae? I just keep to get files of information of Hyeri and know more of her condition." - Nathan

"Idiot!" - as Andy mumbled to himself and hoping of Nathan heard that. "Don't you realize it!"

Then Chase and JJ came along with sad faces on their face and worried.

"What? What's going on?" - Nathan

"We'll explain everything later hyung but right now Hyeri is in danger. You shouldn't have left her alone in her room." - Chase

Then they all four of them start running again their asses off. In there way they were moving people to the sides and of course they apologize if they were some pushing.

Just when they finally made it to the floor where Hyeri is at they still can't rest because her room is at the end of the hall. But then just when they are 8 rooms away from Hyeri's room when suddenly Chase almost crash with a another patient on the bed as a doctor was pushing it.

"Oh joesonghabnida. I'm really sorry." - Chase

Right when this doctor leaves with this patient has been covered entirely to head to toe. There was this tag was stick on his white coat. It says Dr. Jang, at first Chase thought that name was so familiar but he knows he didn't want to waste time. He just let them pass by.

Immediately Chase barge in the room, this is what he feared most. From what he predicted and the guys came true.

"Chase is she--" - JJ

"S-she's gone, we were too late." - Chase

While the guys, Nathan just ruffled his hair back frustrated, JJ was forming two fist one each sides but holding his anger within him, as for Andy was kicking the small trash can that was next to him.

When suddenly a voice spoken up behind them, that made all of them to turn.

"Not completely, I know where she went."

"And who are you??" - Andy ask as one eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry I barge in. But so you know I'm.....Zhang Yixing or can you call me Lay."

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