26 : A Bad Day

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~ The next day ~

Another splendid day for the girls to go of for training. Or should I say, another miserable and tiring day for them. All night they couldn't sleep because thinking of their new member or leader has join in JX'10.

They can barely even get up from their beds. But they didn't have a choice but go with it.

"URG!! I don't like her!" - Nini said out the blue as she hit hard on the coffee table.

Everyone got startled.

"What are you talking about Kiki-ni?" - Heerin said and the only person who calls her by Nini's nickname.

"Her..that chick...our supposedly leader. Choi Hyeri. I don't know why but I just simply don't like her at all. She's getting on my nerves." - Nini explained.

"Well you shouldn't think like that. Why don't you give a try and become friends with her. Like all of us did." - Heerin suggested and not surprisingly she would say that because from all of them she would be the one who help or say the peacemaker of everyone.

"Ya~" Scarlett cooed. "I mean it wouldn't to hard to try, right guys?"

"Yeah ~" - everyone said well expect EunJee and Sarang who wasn't there.

So Nini accept this defeat only this once just because her amazing friends/sisters say so. Just shrugged and gave off a small smirk. When suddenly EunJee barge in the room.

"Hey, have you guys seen Sarang. I haven't seen her since last night." - EunJee said with a worried face splatter on her face.

"No, why you ask?" - MinYeon.

"Well I didn't saw her in her our room last night. I thought maybe she could be at the restroom but as soon I woke up her bed hasn't been touch either. There isn't any sign that she ever came in the room." - EunJee.

"Maybe she could be with ChangSu-sunbae." - Yoorin questioned.

"Yeah, plus maybe those love birds could be catching up together. Like seriously, it's written all over their faces. They both like each other." - MaDi said.

EunJee was still not convince about it. Sarang is a person is so important to her and she would be devastated if something happens to her.

"Who knows? Maybe right now those are having an make up session." - Nini said.

"Or or or~ maybe they are finally doing the it right now. Man, she is finally growing up. Our dear Sarang...she growing so fast." - MinYeon said.

Everyone look back at her funny. Like saying dude-you're-the-youngest-from-all-of-us-what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about look.

MinYeon just simply tilt her head innocently. Like she doesn't know why they are looking her like that.

"What? Did I something funny?" - MinYeon finally ask.

Some of them faceplam and the other fold their arms or simply shook their heads. They couldn't believe MinYeon actually said that.

"Well never mind that. If they are doing that OH NO if that ChangSu ever touch her with that filthy hands of his..he should go through me first." - EunJee said.

But she said it too soon or maybe at the right time cuz the moment she said that the girls were giving her signs to shut her mouth but it's too late.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?" - EunJee.

They all nod.

"Ehem~ who did you said that has filthy hands if I may ask Lee EunJee?" - the devil itself ChangSu was listening everything what EunJee said.

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