9 : Surprise! The Johnson Brothers

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A/N: Hi lovelies, but sorry if it has an misspell or any errors and if it doesn't make sense.

Sorry about that. My English is not that very good. So I hope you'll like it.

Italics = Character's thoughts or flashbacks.

(Hyeri's POV)

"I think it's in the front door." - Chase said through the phone

So I rushed to the door and turn on the lights from outside. Just as I open the door, I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. NO WAY!! Then Chase hang up the phone.

"SURPRISE! XD" - they all said in unison

But I couldn't say a word. I'm too shock to say anything. I just stood there frozen looking at them while they are looking at me and laughing. But what surprises me most was every one of them gave me a kiss on my cheek. Two on my right and other two on my left. What the heck was that!!? They are definitely not their usual self?

"Uhh Kate are you ok?" - Andy said waving his hand front of my face.

I mentally slap my self to reality. I need some answer!

"What's going on? Why all of you're here?"

"We want to see our little sister. Also we missed you and we couldn't help it but want to see you again." - JJ said.

Awww that was so sweet. But this is first that they wanted to see me. What's going on here.

"Bu-t..." Before I can say anything, Nathan put his finger to my lips to shush me.

"No buts and just let it be. Ok?" - Nathan

Okay? This is weird! Yup, I'm still loosing my mind.

I just nod my head to answer his question. Gosh this is so awkward..don't know why I'm feeling this way. I lived with them for 11 years now so why there's a weird feeling that they're here.

"Sooo umm do you guys want any drinks or food. I mean I did prepare food though...."

"YESH!!" - they said in unison.

Haha same as always. They are always hungry. Geez, when can they stop eating so much for once. So I serve them food while they were sitting and waiting in the dinning room.

"So when did you guys came here?"

"We came around..mmmmm~ 10 in the morning." - Nathan said.

"Then why didn't you came straight over here?"

"Cuz we all wanted to see around the place why you love so much this place and wanted to come over here." - said Andy giving his goofy smile.

Just hearing him saying that stopped my tracks by eating. It made me to open my awareness. Now he's realizing why I love so much here and wanted to come over here, do they know something?

"Yea, I'm also curious about it to. Why? Since you were little you were only into Korea." - JJ then faces me.

I can see they are curious for my answer.

Oh no what should I say. I can't tell them the truth. Aish! What should I do? Do I improvise or tell them the truth? Should I say it getting late and go to sleep? Oh wait I have an idea.

"Well, I just happens to like anything related to Korea and this country somehow gives a warm welcome to anybody who comes here."

"Oh~ okay and I agree! This place is so amazing. Plus the people here are really friendly as well." - Nathan said.

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