8 : Made to S. Korea

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A/N: Hello guys, uh just wanted to say that this chapter might sound boring so if it does then I'm sorry about that.

I'll try to make it more exciting, promise.

Anyways enjoy ^_^

(Baekhyun's POV)

After a very long chase that Chen wanted to catch this girl strangely like what Lay hyung and he said, she kinda does looks exactly like Hyeri. How can that be possible? Aish this is so confusing. I practically don't know anymore!


Then all of us are walking towards the van. EXO-M in one van and EXO-K the other. As we are getting in, I accidentally turned to my left and I noticed a really nice white Lamborghini coming this way!

Wait! What am I thinking?!!

Aish~! This isn't the time to check out the amazing looking car...but just had a feeling that I should pay attention to it. I feel that something important is gonna go right passed us if I don't look.

As I squinted my eyes closely, trying to see who could of might be in that car when the maknae started to shaken me half violently. (A/N : if that's even possible?)

"YAAAHH~~!! Hyung!!! (Older brother!!!) Aren't you coming or what?" - the maknae, Sehun, for sure was an impatient child. This is why -__- he can be hard to deal with time to time.

Just when I was gonna scold the maknae, the white Lamborghini was just right before it could go right passed us I could definitely see who's in the car. Failing to hide herself or identity to me well half way.

"Oh! Yah...yah..guys! Chen! Hurry and come out. She's here, she's coming this way." - I hollered quickly as possible for Chen can hear.

Then after I said it Chen immediately came out in a flash. Man he's fast. Maybe he should be the next new Flash.

"Where?!" - Chen

I never seen Chen like this before....

"Aish she's gone, we could've took a picture of the license plate."

"You think!" - Chen

After that Chen went back the van and for me...the one who enter the van last. Don't know why but I kept thinking I should be nicer to Chen more often because I think I started to believe him now that girl we've chase definitely looks like Hyeri. Could it be her though?

(Hyeri's POV)

When I walked out that closet I couldn't stop heart from beating so fast for some reason. I feel strange. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. What is this?!

Then suddenly that guy, ChangSu, I think that's his name keeps popping in my mind.

"Aish! Hyeri get yourself together! Just what the hell in thinking right now?!"

I'm just walking towards my car angrily and bursting in flames. I don't understand myself at all. Already I started the engine and start driving.

"Ya Hyeri are you crazy?! Well maybe cuz I'm talking to myself."

Could it be..that I starting to lik- aniya (no) that's impossible! I don't the right to like anyone!

Then when I turned left my day gets even worse. It's them again...I see them walking to their vans. Why me? Well I need to go this way there's no other way to exit. So I kept going when I got closer I put my hands to hide my face.

Just like that I pass them, hoping they don't notice me. Today was really something. As I was driving home...just couldn't help today what just happen. Running away from Chen and his friends plus having strange feelings to stranger I just met today and At some point I felt I wanted to kiss him. This makes no sense in what so ever. I'm loosing my mind.

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